On Saturday, May 18, 2024, I asked the question How did you spend your Saturday?” in a https://nsbe-hae.org/fs.

I had the opportunity to spend my STEM Saturday at the NSBE Houston Professionals #STEMEducation event in partnership with HP STEM Volunteer team. In my opinion there is no STEM without IEEE. Thank you Christopher Sanderson, SMIEEE; SMASQ for all you do for Region 5.

Fresh Start is a fullday of interactive workshops for children & youth in grades 3 through 12. The workshops cover a variety of campuses.

Mars Space Colony: A Game of Standardization is crafted by experts with 20+ years’ experience in the high-stakes, real-world technical standards development.

  • Unique team-building experience: Through role-play, participants practice negotiation, consensus-building and have fun working through the standards development process.
  • Technical background not required: Players are assigned roles commonly found in standards working groups that reflect the economic, political, and technical realities of standards development.
  • Meets many ABET Criteria: Includes topics like the importance of standards to industry, fundamentals of standards development, and two case studies on standards, which is ideal for academic institutions seeking ABET engineering accreditation.