A successful consultant brings expertise in a given area to the pursuit of satisfying a client’s objectives. But a consulting business requires more than technical expertise to be viable. Some of the key support tools that are required to facilitate client acquisition will be discussed in this workshop. Join us to learn from our panel of experts.


1:30 – 2:00 Registration and Networking
2:00 – 2:05 Introduction – Kai Wong
2:05 – 3:00 “Why Entrepreneurs Fail” – Kevin Koym, Tech Ranch slides Slides
3:00 – 3:55 “Mentoring, Coaching, and the Importance of Examples” – Dr. John Vanston, Technology Futures Inc.
3:55 – 4:10 Break
4:10 – 5:05 “Marketing Your Consulting Business” – Dr. Robert Badgley, Emcon Systems slides Slides
5:05 – 6:00 “Building a Simple and Sustainable Sales Plan” – Bob Davis, Simple Sales Strategy slides Slides

Detailed speaker presentation abstracts and biographies can be viewed here.


Freescale Bldg-A Conference Center at 7700 W. Parmer Lane, Austin – Map


Cost for this workshop: $20/$30 IEEE members; $25/$35 Public; In Advance/At Door.

Please pay at the event with cash or check to IEEE-CTS. No Credit Cards please.

Please register by filling in the form below and emailing back to Bob Baker at: rjbakeratx@austin.rr.com


Registration Form for IEEE Consultant Workshop on June 15, 2011

Name:____________________ _____________________ Company/Org:________________________

Email Address:_________________________________ Position:___________________________

IEEE Member: Yes / No *Will you like to join IEEE? Yes – will get the $20/$30 rate.