Manage Your Career – Don’t Get Blindsided by Reality

Hosted by CTCN and Co-Sponsored by CAS, SSCS, CEDA, TMC, WIE, CS/SPS

This is not your grandfather’s job market where one could work and retire from one company after 40 years. Your father has probably not fared that well either. The fast pace of technology change and productivity improvements, in an increasingly competitive market, have forced companies to change their strategy, frequently upgrade and improve their products or services, and adjust their workforce.

Downsizing, outsourcing, automation, financial pressures, short-term demands, and failed strategy all contribute challenges to your career and your ultimate retirement goal. How can one prepare for, react to, and manage this situation? Smart, proactive career planning, management, and transition may be the answer. The workshop objective is to increase your awareness of unintended consequences of change, to expect the unexpected, and to motivate you to proactively execute your career goals.


1:00 – 1:20 Registration and Networking
1:20 – 1:30 Co-Sponsor Chapter Remarks: Fawzi Behmann, Leslie Martinich, Zhuo Li
1:30 – 1:35 Opening Welcome: Bill Martino
1:35 – 2:25 “Vision on Technology and Future Jobs,” David Smith, CEO, HBMG slides
2:25 – 3:15 “Defining Career Success – Beyond Skills and Experience,” Tommy Chiodo, M.Ed., LPC, Career Counselor slides
3:15 – 4:05 “Empowered Productivity: Winning the War Against Info Overload,” Maura Thomas, President,
4:05 – 4:20 Break for Networking and Refreshments (Snacks and Drinks)
4:20 – 5:10 “Build Your Brand,” David Hughen, Principal,
5:10 – 6:00 “Repurpose Your Career – 5 Steps to Your Next Career Pivot,” Marc Miller, Career Designer slides


Building A, Auditorium, Business Park at 7700 W. Parmer Lane, Austin, TX 78729 Map


For Workshop Details, to Register and to Pay, go to IEEE vTools at

The Cost (If Paid Via vTools by 8/23/13): Advance Registration: $20 IEEE Members; $25 Non-Members.

IEEE Life Members and Student Members can attend for free, but still need to register.

After 8/23, Walk-In Onsite Registration: $30 IEEE Members; $35 Non-Members. Payment onsite is with Cash or Check to “IEEE-CTS” only. No Credit Cards Please!