Article I: Name of Organization

The organization is known as the IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network. It is an affinity group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Central Texas Section.

Article II: Objectives

The organization’s purposes are to further the technical and professional careers of its members, to promote high standards of professional ethics and practice, to promote individual and team consulting efforts of its members, and to encourage networking among members.

Article III: Membership

Members shall be individual persons with an interest in consulting, who register as members, and who attend at least two meetings each year.

Article IV: Meetings

The organization shall have an annual meeting each January. The organization shall generally meet every month for the purpose of networking, to conduct business, and for the presentation of a technical or professional topic of interest. Business conducted at meetings will require a plurality for passage. Five members constitute a quorum.

Article V: Officers

The elected officers shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers.

Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of one year. The Vice Chairman shall act as the Chairman in the Chairman’s absence. The Chairman shall fill and vacancy. A plurality vote is required for business of the Executive Board, with three Board members required for a quorum.

Article VI: Elections

Voting by the members shall take place at the November meeting. The new officers assume their roles during the annual meeting, immediately following the election.

Article VII: Committees

The Chairman may appoint individuals or committees as required.

Article VIII: Amendments

Proposed revisions to this Constitution must be announced at the meeting prior to that at which a vote takes place. A 2/3 vote of the members present is required. Five members constitute a quorum.

Article IX: Bylaws

Bylaws may be adopted that define additional working rules e.g. fees, frequency, place and time of meetings, code of ethics. Proposed Bylaws and changes shall be announced to members at the prior meeting. A majority vote is required.