Where is AI headed? A brief summary in research progress in large language models.

March 2025

This is the first March meeting which is virtual only.
TopicWhere is AI headed? A brief summary in research progress in large language models.
AbstractOver the past 5 years, large language models (LLMs) have gone from struggling with elementary school math to acing college math and science exams.  How did we get here, and what’s coming next?
SpeakerEric Price
Eric Price
email: ecprice@cs.utexas.edu
Speaker’s bioEric Price is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin since the Fall of 2014.  Eric was awarded a Ph D degree from MIT in 2013.  He was a post-doc at the Simon Institute for the Theory of Computing in UC Berkeley from 2013 to 2014. He also served as a visiting scientist for Microsoft AI, Google, OpenAI and IBM Research over the years. He is a top researcher/scientist/professor in AI LLM.

Eric’s research explores the fundamental limits of data-limited computational problems. How efficiently can we recover signals from noisy samples? And how much space do we need to compute functions of large data streams? His work has given algorithms with tight, or near-tight, sample complexities for a variety of such problems, along with corresponding lower bounds.
Date & TimeMarch 25, 2025, 18:30pm – 20:00pm CST
VirtualZoom ID: 604 353 3501
Passcode will be provided to registrants late

6G Wireless Technology 2025 Update

March 2025

This is the second March meeting which is virtual only.
Topic6G Wireless Technology 2025 Update
AbstractThis session will be focused on the current state of 6G communication technology as well as the new merged company of NI and Emerson.  
SpeakerSarah LaSelva
Sarah Laselva
Email: Sarah.laselva@emerson.com
Speaker’s bioSarah is the chief product marketing manager for NI’s RF portfolio. She has over 15 years of experience in test and measurement concentrating on wireless communications and RF technologies. Throughout her career she has spent time in marketing, product management, services, test engineering, and applications engineering. Sarah has spent most of her career working with software defined radios where she gained a deep knowledge of SDR hardware, software, and wireless communications. In addition to her time at NI, she recently spent 4 years at Keysight where she led the marketing strategy for Keysight in 6G.  She has been an active participant in industry groups like the NextG alliance where she is an advocate for improving sustainability and making wireless technology green.

Sarah’s academic background is in microwave and millimeter wave technology. She has a BS in electrical engineering from Texas Tech University.
Date & TimeMarch 27,2025 6:30 – 8:00 PM CTS
VirtualZoom ID: 604 353 3501
Passcode will be provided to registrants late