12 April Detecting Alzheimer’s With a Voice Sample
Joint Meeting: Denver Section Affinity Group, LM, Pikes Peak Section Affinity Group, Denver Section Chapter, EMB18, and Central Texas Section Aff Group, LM (Austin)
Speaker: Henry O’Connell of Canary Speech
Abstract: Many of you probably read the article in the January issue of our IEEE Spectrum magazine that posed the intriguing question: “what if a quick voice sample, easily taken at a person’s home, could help identify a patient with Alzheimer’s?” The company featured in that article is Canary Speech. For this presentation, Henry O’Connell, the CEO and founder of Canary Speech, will speak to us about his company and the AI technology they use. Although the Spectrum article focused on Alzheimer’s Disease, their software has potential to detect other medical conditions and Henry will touch on those as well.
Date/Time: 12 Apr 2022 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM
Virtual Meeting: Join from the webinar link https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8d7141b17d222d746320904615c98c52. OR Join by the webinar number: Webinar number (access code): 2536 627 0924, Webinar password: qsVgEDZT235 (77843398 from phones)
Register: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/310331