IEEE Denver Dine & Learn: Applications of a $300 VNA for Useful Signal and Power Integrity Characterization
Room: ECCS 201 (Third Floor), Bldg: Rustandy Building - between the Engineering Building and the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, 1111 Engineering Dr. , Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80309Abstract: A vector network analyzer (VNA) is an essential tool to character interconnects. Most of us are familiar with units from Keysight or Rohde and Swartz that cost more than $50k. Is it really possible to get anything useful from one that costs just $300? The answer is yes. We use a low-cost VNA in our student labs, teaching SI and PI measurement processes. I will show you two important applications of this VNA for extracting material properties and characterizing capacitors for PDN applications. Whether you are a student, a professional engineer, or a lifelong learner, a $300 VNA might be in your <a href="http://future.Food" target="_blank" title="future.Food">future.Food and beverages will be <a href="http://provided.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="provided.Speaker(s):">provided.Speaker(s): Prof. Eric BogatinAgenda: A parking code for lots 440, 319, 306 will be provided to attendees who register to attend this event:<a href="!ce/2739?ct/20989,20990,20991,20992,20993,20994,26118,2739?mc/40.00563459437513,-105.2595376968384?z/16?lvl/0Room:" target="_blank" title="!ce/2739?ct/20989,20990,20991,20992,20993,20994,26118,2739?mc/40.00563459437513,-105.2595376968384?z/16?lvl/0Room:">!ce/2739?ct/20989,20990,20991,20992,20993,20994,26118,2739?mc/40.00563459437513,-105.2595376968384?z/16?lvl/0Room: ECCS 201 (Third Floor), Bldg: Rustandy Building - between the Engineering Building and the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, 1111 Engineering Dr. , Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80309