IEEE Denver ExCom March 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)

Room: ECS201, Bldg: Engineering Building, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208, Virtual:

In Person attendance at Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Denver ColoradoAddress: 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, CO 80208 in Room ECS201Parking: Parking is free and you can do street parking between Wesley and Harvard St (i.e. map enclosed as an attachment). Event will be happening in Engineering building .Remote attendance via WebEx call-in:Denver Excom MeetingHosted by IEEE Denver Section<a href="" target="_blank" title=""> Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)Meeting number: 596 761 562Password: huVJgx2N7b7Join by video systemDial 596761562@<a href="http://ieeemeetings.webex.comYou" target="_blank" title="ieeemeetings.webex.comYou">ieeemeetings.webex.comYou can also dial and enter your meeting <a href="http://number.Join" target="_blank" title="number.Join">number.Join by phone+1-415-655-0002 United States Toll1-855-282-6330 United States Toll FreeAccess code: 596 761 562Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm- Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum- Additions to the Agenda- Officer Reports- Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates- Committee Reports- Old Business- Other Items & New Business- AdjournRoom: ECS201, Bldg: Engineering Building, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208, Virtual:

IEEE Denver ExCom March 2025 Meeting (In Person and Webex)

Room: ECS201, Bldg: Engineering Building, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208, Virtual:

In Person attendance at Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Denver Colorado Address: 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, CO 80208 in Room ECS201 Parking: Parking is free and you can do street parking between Wesley and Harvard St (i.e. map enclosed as an attachment). Event will be happening in Engineering building . Remote attendance via WebEx call-in: Denver Excom Meeting Hosted by IEEE Denver Section 3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 596 761 562 Password: huVJgx2N7b7 Join by video system Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 596 761 562 Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm - Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum - Additions to the Agenda - Officer Reports - Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates - Committee Reports - Old Business - Other Items & New Business - Adjourn Room: ECS201, Bldg: Engineering Building, 2155 E Wesley Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80208, Virtual: