R5 WIE 2025 planning meeting
R5 WIE 2025 planning meeting
Planning meeting for R5 WIE activities in 2025.Speaker(s): Michelle, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460491
Planning meeting for R5 WIE activities in 2025.Speaker(s): Michelle, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/460491
The NIST Boulder facility houses five major laboratories, each of which are are made up of multiple Divisions. This tour is for the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PLM). PLM has 11 divisions. The Divisions are further broken down into groups. We will have time to visit four groups. Two are in the the Time and Frequency Division. They are the - Time and Frequency Division: Neutral Atom Optical Clocks Group (which my include the atomic clock), and - Time and Frequency Division: Quantum & Nonlinear Nanophotonics Group The plan is to visit two additional groups, but NIST PLM has not yet settled on which those will be. NIST is a U.S. government agency and requires that all visitors are screened in advance. Due to the added complexity of screening foreign nationals, this tour will be limited to U. S. citizens. In addition, because some of the labs we plan to visit are not large, the size of our group will be limited to 25 members. I need to provide NIST with a list of attendees one week prior to the event for screening purposes. That is why registration ends on January 6th. Please note we need each guest’s first and last name as it appears on their I.D. NIST has provided the following logistical information: Directions starting on Hwy 36: Merge onto U.S. Hwy. 36 West to Boulder. Stay on US-36 into Boulder and take the Baseline Rd. exit. Stay left on the exit ramp and turn left (west) on Baseline Rd. Travel under the US-36 overpass, to the first stop light, at 27th Way. Get in the left turn lane and follow 27th Way up the hill to Broadway. Turn left at the stop light at Broadway for approximately 2 blocks to the next light. Turn right onto the Dept. of Commerce site. If the attendees are all driving their own vehicles I recommend arriving at 9:30; for 25 people it can take more time to get folks through security. If the group can carpool, that’s easier and shortens the time they will need to check in through security. At the Visitor Center at 325 Broadway, attendees will need to go through security and present photo I.D. I.D. requirements are available here: https://www.nist.gov/about-nist/visit/campus-access-and-security Bldg: Visitor Center, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80305
The NIST Boulder facility houses five major laboratories, each of which are are made up of multiple Divisions. This tour is for the Physical Measurement Laboratory (PLM). PLM has 11 divisions. The Divisions are further broken down into groups. We will have time to visit four groups. Two are in the the Time and Frequency Division. They are the-Time and Frequency Division: Neutral Atom Optical Clocks Group (which my include the atomic clock), and-Time and Frequency Division: Quantum & Nonlinear Nanophotonics GroupThe plan is to visit two additional groups, but NIST PLM has not yet settled on which those will <a href="http://be.NIST" target="_blank" title="be.NIST">be.NIST is a U.S. government agency and requires that all visitors are screened in advance. Due to the added complexity of screening foreign nationals, this tour will be limited to U. S. citizens. In addition, because some of the labs we plan to visit are not large, the size of our group will be limited to 25 <a href="http://members.I" target="_blank" title="members.I">members.I need to provide NIST with a list of attendees one week prior to the event for screening purposes. That is why registration ends on January 5th. Please note we need each guest’s first and last name as it appears on their I.D.NIST has provided the following logistical information:Directions starting on Hwy 36:Merge onto U.S. Hwy. 36 West to <a href="http://Boulder.Stay" target="_blank" title="Boulder.Stay">Boulder.Stay on US-36 into Boulder and take the Baseline Rd. <a href="http://exit.Stay" target="_blank" title="exit.Stay">exit.Stay left on the exit ramp and turn left (west) on Baseline <a href="http://Rd.Travel" target="_blank" title="Rd.Travel">Rd.Travel under the US-36 overpass, to the first stop light, at 27th Way. Get in the left turn lane and follow 27th Way up the hill to <a href="http://Broadway.Turn" target="_blank" title="Broadway.Turn">Broadway.Turn left at the stop light at Broadway for approximately 2 blocks to the next light. Turn right onto the Dept. of Commerce <a href="http://site.If" target="_blank" title="site.If">site.If the attendees are all driving their own vehicles I recommend arriving at 9:30; for 25 people it can take more time to get folks through security. If the group can carpool, that’s easier and shortens the time they will need to check in through <a href="http://security.At" target="_blank" title="security.At">security.At the Visitor Center at 325 Broadway, attendees will need to go through security and present photo I.D. I.D. requirements are available here: <a href="https://www.nist.gov/about-nist/visit/campus-access-and-securityBldg:" target="_blank" title="https://www.nist.gov/about-nist/visit/campus-access-and-securityBldg:">https://www.nist.gov/about-nist/visit/campus-access-and-securityBldg: Visitor Center, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80305
IEEE-AESS-SPS Monthly ExCom Meeting for January 2025Agenda: Agenda:- Call to Order- Chair Report- Vice Chair Report- Treasurer Report- Secretary Report- Additions to Agenda- AdjournVirtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/459956
IEEE-AESS-SPS Monthly ExCom Meeting for January 2025 Agenda: Agenda: - Call to Order - Chair Report - Vice Chair Report - Treasurer Report - Secretary Report - Additions to Agenda - Adjourn Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/459956
In Person attendance at RUSTANDY BUILDING, University of Colorado Boulder. Address: 995 Regent Drive, UCB 419, Boulder CO 80309 in Deshe Family Conference Room : 235 Seminar NOTE On Parking: Parking code will be provided to registrants. Remote attendance via WebEx call-in: Denver Excom Meeting Hosted by IEEE Denver Section https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4fa1461a887d1a94fd52de51e94aa369 3rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) Meeting number: 596 761 562 Password: huVJgx2N7b7 Join by video system Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll 1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free Access code: 596 761 562 Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm - Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum - Additions to the Agenda - Officer Reports - Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates - Committee Reports - Old Business - Other Items & New Business - Adjourn Room: Deshe Family Conference Room (235 Seminar), Bldg: Rustandy Building - The building that connects the Engineering Building and the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, 995 Regent Drive, , Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80309, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461865
In Person attendance at RUSTANDY BUILDING, University of Colorado Boulder. Address: 995 Regent Drive, UCB 419, Boulder CO 80309 in Deshe Family Conference Room : 235 SeminarNOTE On Parking: Parking code will be provided to <a href="http://registrants.Remote" target="_blank" title="registrants.Remote">registrants.Remote attendance via WebEx call-in:Denver Excom MeetingHosted by IEEE Denver Section<a href="https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4fa1461a887d1a94fd52de51e94aa3693rd" target="_blank" title="https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4fa1461a887d1a94fd52de51e94aa3693rd">https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4fa1461a887d1a94fd52de51e94aa3693rd Tuesday 6:00 PM | 2 hours 30 minutes | (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)Occurs the third Tuesday of every month effective 1/21/2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)Meeting number: 596 761 562Password: huVJgx2N7b7Join by video systemDial 596761562@<a href="http://ieeemeetings.webex.comYou" target="_blank" title="ieeemeetings.webex.comYou">ieeemeetings.webex.comYou can also dial and enter your meeting <a href="http://number.Join" target="_blank" title="number.Join">number.Join by phone+1-415-655-0002 United States Toll1-855-282-6330 United States Toll FreeAccess code: 596 761 562Agenda: - Meals and Socializing 6-6:30pm- Roll Call, Introductions, and Verification of a Quorum- Additions to the Agenda- Officer Reports- Student/ Affinity Group / Chapter Updates- Committee Reports- Old Business- Other Items & New Business- AdjournRoom: Deshe Family Conference Room (235 Seminar), Bldg: Rustandy Building - The building that connects the Engineering Building and the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, 995 Regent Drive, , Boulder, Colorado, United States, 80309, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461865
Monthly Executive Committee meetingAgenda: Meet eat discuss decideFort Collins, Colorado, United States
Schedule 6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking 6:30 – Dinner Served 7:00 – Presentation 8:00 – Adjourn Title: Transforming Asset Operations with AI Description: Utilities are challenged with an aging infrastructure, transitioning workforce, while enabling the energy transition to cleaner and renewable energy resources. AI has the promise to transform asset operations, driving new data driven insights, helping to scale SME knowledge and augment skills of utility workers. This presentation will introduce the latest concepts and innovation in AI with use cases that demonstrate how AI can be applied to Asset Management processes and workflows, enabling a more resilient grid while achieving the mission of delivering safe, reliable and clean energy at the lowest possible costs. Speaker(s): Mitch Simon Agenda: Schedule 6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking 6:30 – Dinner Served 7:00 – Presentation 8:00 – Adjourn Room: Upstairs Meeting Room, Bldg: The Original Brooklyn's, 2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80204
Schedule6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking6:30 – Dinner Served7:00 – Presentation8:00 – AdjournTitle: Transforming Asset Operations with AIDescription:Utilities are challenged with an aging infrastructure, transitioning workforce, while enabling the energy transition to cleaner and renewable energy resources. AI has the promise to transform asset operations, driving new data driven insights, helping to scale SME knowledge and augment skills of utility workers. This presentation will introduce the latest concepts and innovation in AI with use cases that demonstrate how AI can be applied to Asset Management processes and workflows, enabling a more resilient grid while achieving the mission of delivering safe, reliable and clean energy at the lowest possible <a href="http://costs.Speaker(s):" target="_blank" title="costs.Speaker(s):">costs.Speaker(s): Mitch SimonAgenda: Schedule6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking6:30 – Dinner Served7:00 – Presentation8:00 – AdjournRoom: Upstairs Meeting Room, Bldg: The Original Brooklyn's, 2644 W Colfax Ave, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80204
Meeting for general administration and operation of the Black Hills <a href="http://Subsection.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="Subsection.Virtual:">Subsection.Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/452182
Committee planning for 2025 WIE events and <a href="http://directions.Virtual:" target="_blank" title="directions.Virtual:">directions.Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464049