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IEEE GB Section: Pre-flight Inspection and Briefing for Training Aircraft Pilots using Augmented Reality
October 10, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CDT
Joint Meeting of YP Group and new I&S section Chapter
WEDNESDAY October 10th, 7:00-8:30 PM
University of Houston Clear Lake -Delta Building-Room D241
SPECIAL PRESENTATION: “Pre-flight Inspection and Briefing for
Training Aircraft Pilots using Augmented Reality”
SPEAKER: Dr. Simone Keller Füchter
University Estácio de Sá-SC and Unisul University, BRAZIL
PRESENTATION: Augmented Reality is a technology that allows the insertion of virtual elements, such as video or three-dimensional objects, in a real environment while the participant uses a mobile phone, a tablet, a personal computer or Virtual Reality Glasses.
The presentation will talk a new prototype, that shows the aircraft, in life-size (if you want) for training pilots when they are doing the pre-flight external inspection and the pre-flight briefing. Using Augmented Reality, the pilot can use a regular smartphone (in a more sophisticated version, we can use a VR glasses like a Hololens) .It helps the future pilot be more perceptive and fast to learn some procedures and be comfortable with the aircraft´s panel and avionics.
SPEAKER:: Dr. Füchter received her undergraduate degree in Business Administration at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC – ESAG), and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Production Engineering and Systems (EPS) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. She took a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at the State University of Santa Catarina / University of Porto. She teaches Information Systems at the University of the South of Santa Catarina (Unisul) and Digital Games and Business Administration at the University Center Estácio de Sá – SC. At this university she became Director of the E-learning Center; member of the University Management Council (CONSUP); member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Research Seminars and member of the University Council Development Agency for Research. Dr. Füchter was Director of E-government for the state government of Santa Catarina, working on Strategic Management using IT and implementation of new Electronic Processes. She is a consultant in Information Technology Strategic Planning at KF Technology and Marketing and her research is about Information Systems, Educational and Training Technologies using Virtual and Augmented Reality. She has the Private Pilot License (PP) and nowadays her research includes the development of an Aircraft Pre-flight Inspection Prototype for pilot training.
*********PARK ONLY IN STUDENTS PARKING around DELTA building****
Please send your reservation by MONDAY, October 8th to ypieeegalveston@gmail.com, with your name and your reservation will be confirmed. You can also call Murali Krishnan Rajkumar, YP chair at (832)303-8729 with the reservation details. Please also indicate if you have any diet restriction when you make reservation. Check our section website http://sites.ieee.org/gb/communities/ for all our meetings.