IEEE Atlanta PES Seminar – Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery and the Effects on the Power Grid. – ATLANTA PE31 CHAPTER on 01-April-2015
At our first seminar seminar of the year, we will be honored to have Mr. Mark Halpin, Ph.D and Mr. Manish Patel, Ph.D., P.E. discussing Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery. The seminar will be held at Georgia Power Company in the Kilowatt Room on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 starting at 9:00am. The seminar check-in time will start at 9:00am and will last until 3pm; 0.4 CEU or 4 PDH will be provided. Refreshments (in the morning) and lunch will be included. A map to the event, presentation details and speakers bio can be found here on the events page.