IEEE Houston Section Congressional Visit Day on Science, Engineering and Technology (SET)

On Wednesday, April 3, 2019 members from around the United States will be participating in the IEEE-USA Congressional Visit Day (CVD) Fly-In. This years CVD is centered around Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) that brings scientists, engineers, mathematicians, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. Uniquely multi-sector and multi-disciplinary, the SET CVD is coordinated by a coalition of professional societies, companies and educational institutions. It is open to all who support science and technology, especially federal support for STEM research. The program consists of a series of briefings and meetings, culminating with a full day of visits with your Congressional delegates.

The objective of SET CVD is to raise awareness of the long-term importance of science, engineering and technology to the nation through face-to-face meetings with Members of Congress, congressional staff, key Administration officials and other decision-makers.

The CVD is a great forum for IEEE members to share our concerns and ideas for solutions with our perspective Congressional representative. Check out some of the pictures that were shared by attendees.

It was an opportunity for IEEE Houston Section members and other IEEE area Texas Delegates to visit with their Congressional Representatives and express their concerns. Thank you Senator John Cornya, Senator Ted Cruz, House Representative Dan Crenshaw, and House Representative Sheila Jackson Lee offices for their time and listening to our concerns on the following public policies:

  • Maintaining federal investment in basic and applied research
  • Protecting the digital privacy rights of American citizens
  • Increasing EB green cards for skilled engineers, especially international graduate students, while performing the deeply flawed H-1B visa system
  • Improving America’s electrical generation and distribution systems, including promoting the responsible us of alternative energy and the development of the Smart Grid
  • Reforming America’s patent system to make it more useful and accessible to technology entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Promoting sensible regulation and ethical guidelines for emerging AI technology.

A special thanks to Brendan Godfrey, IEEE-USA VP Government Relations,  William Robinson, R5 Government Relations Chair and to Russell Harrison, IEEE-USA Government Relations Coordinator and his staff for coordinating and making this event possible for the more than 35 IEEE member delegates from all over the United States.

Congressional Visit Day


For additional information about the 2019 CVD or public policy concerns feel free to contact us.

Article submitted by: Christopher SandersonIEEE R5 South Area ChairIEEE-USA Career & Professional Development Committee,  Houston Section Vice-Chair, IEEE Admission and Advancement Committee

About Us: IEEE is the worlds largest technical professional society and the worlds leading voice on technological innovation. Founded in 1884 by founding members Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. With a membership of more than 430,000 members in 160 countries, over 180,000 members in the United States, and 23,000 in Texas. “We are IEEE, Advancing Technology for Humanity.”

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