Who Moved My Cheese in STEM? in partnership with TryEngineering Summer Institute 2024

On Friday, July 5th, 2024 at the TryEngineering Summer Institute, we explored various engineering fields, such as electrical, civil, mechanical, and aerospace. Our STEM summer program allows students from around the world (Israel,  Brazil, and Central America) to name a few.

Christopher Sanderson, IEEE R5 Director-Elect delivered the keynote address “Who Moved My Cheese in STEM?” He is a highly respected figure in the field of technology and professional development. With years of experience in guiding teams and organizations through periods of significant change, he brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective on how to embrace change and thrive in uncertain times.

Finding your “Why” in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is an essential step toward building a fulfilling and impactful career. Your “Why” represents the core motivation and passion driving you to pursue a STEM path. It helps you stay focused, resilient, and inspired through the challenges and opportunities that arise. This article will guide you through the process of discovering your “Why” in STEM.

 Understanding the Importance of Your “Why”

Your “Why” serves as the foundation for your career choices and academic pursuits. It can help you:

1. **Stay Motivated:** Knowing your purpose can keep you motivated during tough times.
2. **Make Informed Decisions:** A clear “Why” helps you make choices aligned with your goals and values.
3. **Communicate Your Passion:** It enables you to articulate your passion and commitment to others, such as employers, mentors, or peers.
4. **Achieve Fulfillment:** Pursuing a career that resonates with your core values and interests leads to greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

Steps to Find Your “Why” in STEM

1. Reflect on Your Interests and Passions

Begin by reflecting on what excites you most about STEM. Ask yourself:

– Which STEM subjects or topics do I enjoy the most?
– What kind of projects or experiments do I find most engaging?
– When do I feel most energized and inspired in my studies or work?

Identifying your interests can reveal patterns and areas where your passion lies.

2. Consider Your Strengths and Skills

Think about the skills and strengths you possess. Consider:

– What are my strongest skills in STEM (e.g., problem-solving, analytical thinking, creativity)?
– In which areas do I excel naturally?
– What feedback have I received from teachers, mentors, or peers about my strengths?

Recognizing your strengths helps you align your “Why” with areas where you can make a significant impact.

 3. Explore Real-World Applications

Investigate how STEM fields contribute to solving real-world problems. Consider:

– What global or local issues am I passionate about addressing (e.g., climate change, healthcare, technology advancements)?
– How can my STEM skills and knowledge be applied to create positive change in these areas?
– Are there specific industries or sectors that resonate with my values and interests?

Connecting your interests and strengths to real-world applications can help you find a sense of purpose in your STEM journey.

 4. Seek Inspiration from Role Models

Look for inspiration from role models in the STEM field. Consider:

– Who are the STEM professionals I admire, and why?
– What impact have they made in their respective fields?
– How did they discover their “Why,” and what can I learn from their experiences?

Learning from the journeys of others can provide valuable insights and guidance for your own path.

5. Define Your Values and Goals

Clarify your personal values and long-term goals. Ask yourself:

– What values are most important to me (e.g., innovation, sustainability, social justice)?
– How do I want to contribute to society through my STEM career?
– What are my short-term and long-term career goals?

Defining your values and goals will help you create a roadmap aligned with your “Why.”

 6. Experiment and Explore

Take opportunities to experiment and explore different areas within STEM. Consider:

– Participating in internships, research projects, or volunteer work to gain hands-on experience.
– Joining STEM clubs, organizations, or communities to network and learn from others.
– Taking courses or attending workshops in various STEM fields to discover new interests.

Exploring different paths can help you identify what truly resonates with you.

7. Reflect and Reevaluate

Your “Why” may evolve overtime as you gain more experience and insights. Regularly reflect and reevaluate your motivations. Ask yourself:

– Have my interests or passions changed?
– Are there new challenges or opportunities that excite me?
– How can I continue to align my career with my evolving “Why”?

Continuous reflection ensures that your “Why” remains relevant and meaningful.

Finding your “Why” is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. By reflecting on your interests, strengths, values, and goals, and seeking inspiration from real-world applications and role models, you can uncover the core motivation driving your passion for STEM. Remember that your “Why” may evolve, and it’s essential to remain open to new experiences and opportunities. With a clear “Why,” you can navigate your STEM career with purpose, resilience, and fulfillment.

About:  The TryEngineering Summer Institute is a program from IEEE, the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Our more than 457,000 members in 160 countries, including more than 120,000 student members, help us provide the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe via highly-cited publications, conferences, technology standards and professional and educational activities. Our summer engineering camp’s curriculum is created specifically for this program by IEEE STEM summer specialists.

Thank you to Trinecia Glover, Rice University TryEngineering Summer Institute Director


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