Young Professionals April Newsletter
Happy Tuesday YP!
Here is everything going on in April!
Important Events
IEEE YP HOU Networking: Boba Tea & Game Night (April 10, 2019)
What better way to network than with some Boba Tea & board games!
Network with local young professionals and students with free boba for IEEE members from The Teahouse Tapioca & Tea. IEEE members must register to get the free boba upon attendance. This location has board games, but feel free to bring your own!
NOTE: IEEE members MUST register (with membership number) to get the free Boba upon attendance.
IEEE YP HOU Engineering your Finances: Common Money Mistakes (April 18, 2019)
Though the route to financial well-being will be different for everyone, a strong grasp of the fundamentals is imperative. Whether it’s to save for your retirement or a large purchase, build wealth through investments, or reduce debt, this session will benefit anyone seeking to increase their financial understanding and avoid the common mistakes people make with their finances.
RSVP by April 15th!
IEEE HOU Section Dinner & Meeting (April 25, 2019)
Registration required. Dinner is included.
IEEE YP HOU: STEPing Forward (May 4, 2019) – Save the date!
Congratulations Class of 2019!
IEEE Houston Section Young Professional would like to celebrate your accomplishments by inviting you to the annual IEEE STEP Event!
This event is open to students, graduates, and all IEEE professionals!
Event notification with details coming soon
IEEE EVO 2019 – The Evolution of You (August 2-3, 2019)
Registration for this dynamic leadership conference is now open!
IEEE-USA’s two-day flagship event will challenge you to think differently while embracing innovation and creativity. You’ll develop valuable new relationships and share insights with industry peers, all while expanding your knowledge on the journey to becoming a more effective leader.
Happening Now
LEED Green Associate Training – April Workshops
To date, this course and its materials have proven to be instrumental in helping over 8000 students pass their respective exam at a 100% pass rate. This course is offered at a quarter of the price and time as the competition and is geared at allowing students to graduate with letters after their name!
Social Media Group Mentoring: LinkedIn & Facebook
The purpose of these newly found groups is to foster a supportive mentoring network between IEEE experienced professionals and young professionals/students. The groups are for anyone looking for place to ask for advice to professional questions, whether it be about interview etiquette or resumes, all questions are welcomed. Job posting will be encouraged in these groups, so it will serve as an added resource in that area as well. Feel free to join one or both groups.
If you are also interested in having a long term 1:1 mentorship, consider joining the IEEE Houston YP Mentoring Program.
YP Group Communication All YP members are invited to join the Whatsapp YP Group Chat. This is a casual group chat, and everyone is encouraged to use this resource to ask any questions or share any news/events you are interested in.
Have a great rest of your week!
Young Professionals Chair
IEEE Houston Section
p: 906-680-4041