Welcome to the St Louis Section 2019 officer election Election! I would like to take this opportunity to personally express my sincere appreciation for you being an IEEE member!

Our duty and responsibility is to ensure that your voting rights are protected and you are confident that your vote is accurately cast and tabulated. We will utilize the vTools.Voting system for our elections. Please log in to vote in the election.

Voting will start from Nov 2 12.01 am and close at Nov 16 11.59 pm.

To place your vote, go to https://voting.vtools.ieee.org.

Please select one candidate for each position or specify a write-in candidate.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at sec-stlouis@ieee.org if you have a question, comment, or complaint regarding your voting experience.

Thank you for voting – your vote counts!



To place your vote, go to https://voting.vtools.ieee.org. You will need your IEEE web account to vote. If you don’t have an IEEE web account, go to http://www.ieee.org/web/accounts. A web-based tutorial on how to vote is available at http://site.ieee.org/vtools/documents/2017/10/voter-instructions-tutorial.pdf