Welcome To The Black Hills Subsection

Welcome to the IEEE Black Hills Subsection website. As officers of Black Hills Subsection, we are pleased to invite you to the professional-technical association that sponsors local activities for professional and student members in the discipline of electrical engineering and related areas.

The Black Hills Subsection geographically covers western South Dakota, eastern Wyoming, and northwest Nebraska.  This Subsection operates under the High Plains Section of IEEE in Region 5.

Please feel free to contact any of the officers with any questions.

The Current Officers of the Black Hills Area Subsection are:

  • Chair – Marvin Geersen <Marvin.Geersen@blackhillscorp.com>
  • Vice Chair – Korey Kelly <Korey.Kelly@blackhillscorp.com>
  • Treasurer – Faye Kann <Faye.Kann@midco.net>
  • Secretary – Jason Erickson <Jason.Erickson@sdsmt.edu>

In addition, Members-At-Large of the Subsection Executive Committee include:

  • Thomas Montoya
  • Christopher McKillop
  • Bob Case

Meetings are listed [url links pending] for Black Hills Subsection and other IEEE sections with various topics. If the meetings are virtual, you are encouraged to register to participate.

We look forward to your involvement.