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 PRESS RELEASE: 2017 14th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament


IEEE Houston Section  Advancing Technology for Humanity in the Greater Metro Houston Area.

The Golf Scholarship Committee received confirmation of the sponsor partnership with Binkley & Barfield consulting engineers to their upcoming 14th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on Friday, October 6, 2017.  Our sponsors and players  help make it possible for scholarship recipients to develop collegiate skills that will guide them for a lifetime. The proceeds from this event will support scholarship goals in one of the following areas; Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM).

Reister individually or as a team before August 15, 2017 for at a discounted price. Sponsorship opportunities are filling up quickly, come see how we can partner together for a great cause and have a little fun. Register at  

About Binkley & Barfield

Binkley & Barfield, Inc. (BBI) is a multi-disciplined, civil engineering firm with headquarters in Houston and fully staffed regional offices in Richardson, Austin, Round Rock and College Station.

BBI offers a range of services including Utility Engineering, Subsurface Utility Engineering, Surveying, Transportation, Structural, Traffic, Public Infrastructure and Land Development.


RELEASED 9:00AM CST, June 5, 2017

The Houston Section has been in existence for more than 80 years serving the greater metro Houston Area. We serves more than 4,000 higher grade members and over 300 student members living and working throughout the greater Metro Houston area.

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