Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 Continuing Education on Demand (CED) Seminars section. You will find information on the different seminars, authors, and presentations presented during the year. Some presenters have elected to not have their presentations shared.

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October 7th & 8th 2014

High Voltage Partial Discharge (HVPD)
This seminar explores dielectrics and their utilization in electrical equipment.  We will study partial discharge and acoustic noise in early detection of failures.
Presenter:  Andrew Burgess,  HVPD

HVPD Night 1 – Introduction to PD Oct.14

HVPD Night 2 – On-line Partial Discharge (OLPD) Monitoring of Complete HV Networks O&G Industry Oct.14

October 21st & 22nd 2014

VLF & HVDC Transmission & Design
VLF and HVDC are a growing part of transmission business around the world, and their successful implementation is key to future grid stability.
Presenter:  Tappan Manna, Burns & McDonnell Engineering


November 4th & 5th 2014

IEC Transformers
This technical presentation will focus on the key elements of IEC Transformers and how they relate to the design and application of power transformers.
Presenter:  Waldemar,  CG Power


November 18th & 19th 2015

Cable Sizing & Installation
The cable standards, construction and properties shall be explored in depth.  We will investigate the rating structure and how it limits the cable application.
Presenter:  Jonathan Havey, Okonite


January 20th & 21st 2015

Electrical Specification Writing
Different aspects of specification writing to clearly explain the desires of the client to various mfgrs, where to go for go-by’s, and how to avoid common traps.
Presenter:  Mark Leyton, BP

Electrical Spec Writing Jan 20-21


February 3rd & 4th 2015

Fundamentals of NEMA Frame Motors
The tutorial starts with how motors work and purchasing standards.  We will learn the new regulations regarding high efficiency, VFD fed motors, and area class.
Presenter:  Todd Huston, Baldor

Fundamentals of Motors Feb 3 – 4


February 17th & 18th, 2015

High-Voltage Air-Insulated Substation Design
This session discusses different aspects of engineering, standards, equipment ratings/specifications, and installation considerations.
Presenters:  Dominik Pieniazek and Mike Furnish, HV Engineering, LLC

HV Substation Design Feb 17-18


March 3rd & 4th, 2015

Intertie Substation Design
Utility expectations for intertie substations and the required operation / maintenance practices for NERC compliance
Presenter:  Don Sevcik, Centerpoint

CNP Intertie Substation Design Mar 3-4


March 24th & 25th, 2015

MV Circuit breakers & MVMCC Ratings & Applications
This seminar focuses on the rating structure of MV breakers and switchgear. How are they derived and applied in the process substation.
Presenter:  Jim Bowen, Aramco Services

MV Switchgear Mar 24-25

April 7th & 8th, 2015

Offshore Platform Design
This seminar sets a stage for review of the specific requirements for design of power systems and distribution equipment for offshore production facilities.
Presenters:  Mike Alford, Chevron / Chris Migl, Powell / Stan Beaver, BP ret.

Offshore Platform Design Apr 7-8