The World Health Organization officially declared the novel coronavirus COVID-19 a pandemic. This global health crisis is a unique challenge that has impacted many of our members of the IEEE family. I would like to express my concern and support for all the members of the IEEE community, our members, our families and all others affected by this outbreak.

Governments from around the world are now issuing restrictions on travel, gatherings, and meetings in an effort to limit and slow the spread of the virus. The health and safety of the IEEE community is our first priority and IEEE Houston Section is supporting these efforts.

IEEE provides many tools to support our membership with virtual engagement, including our online collaboration space IEEE Collabratec (

Following the advice of local authorities, most IEEE conferences and meetings have already been postponed or replaced with virtual meetings. I was able to reached out to our community of partnership and relationships to help identify some key webinars for our members and neighbors visit our Events webpage for more details or visit my previous post Professional and Technical Development.  The opportunity to help during these challenging times of no travel and self coroneted is our small part of Advancing Technology for Humanity”.

Please Stay safe, Stay healthy, Stay strong. But above all else, stay grateful.


Christopher Sanderson

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
~Elizabeth Andrew