* The deadline to register for CVD 2020 is 6 March*

The Science, Engineering and Technology Congressional Visits Day (SET CVD) is an annual two-day event that brings engineers, scientists, mathematicians, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. Uniquely multi-sector and multi-disciplinary, the SET CVD is coordinated by a coalition of professional societies, companies and educational institutions. It is open to all who support science and technology, especially federal support for STEM research. The program consists of a series of briefings and meetings, culminating with a full day of visits with your Congressional delegates.

CVD’s Objectives

SET CVD raises awareness of the long-term importance of science, engineering and technology to the nation through face-to-face meetings with Members of Congress, congressional staff, and other decision-makers.

The core messages we will deliver are:

  • Balanced federal investment in Science, Engineering and Technology is fundamental to our Nation’s long-term prosperity.
  • Science, Engineering and Technology partnerships between government, universities, and industries mean progress, economic growth and jobs for our Nation.
  • Federal investments in basic research must be maintained, even in a tight fiscal environment.


CVD 2020 will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 24-25 March 2020, in Washington, D.C.


Registration is now open. Please visit our registration page to sign up for CVD 2020.

For more information, contact Russell Harrison at r.t.harrson@ieee.org.

* The deadline to register for CVD 2020 is 6 March*

Limited additional travel support may be available for financial active IEEE Houston Section volunteers. Let us know how you’ve helped the Houston Section meet its engagement, growth, retention IEEE goals.

Basic Ground Rules for Participants

  • First-time CVD participants are encouraged to attend the training/orientation on the first day. Training for CVD 2020 will be on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 in Washington, D.C.
  • IEEE-USA will schedule ALL 25 March meetings with your Representative, Senators and/or their staff, based on constituency. Please plan to be available for these meetings anytime between 8:00AM – 5:00PM.
  • You may schedule (on your own) additional meetings during CVD; however, please coordinate with Bernadette Concepcion (b.concepcion@ieee.org) on these meetings.
  • Remember that you will be attending all your meetings as part of a team consisting of other IEEE members.
  • Time permitting, you/your team members can participate in all the meetings listed on your team’s schedule. However, please be mindful and allow the constituent(s) in your team to lead his/her meeting.
  • Please DO NOT MISS or ARRIVE LATE for any meeting(s).
  • If you need to cancel your CVD registration, please contact Bernadette Concepcion (b.concepcion@ieee.org) ASAP (so meetings she made in your behalf are cancelled ahead of time).
  • You will meet your team members, work on your “message” to legislators and receive your team’s congressional meeting schedule and other handouts at the IEEE-USA training on 24 March.


CVD is free for all participants.

IEEE participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses. CVD is structured to minimize the cost of participating.

Dress Code

Business Professional Attire (Men: business suit with tie; Women: Conservative dress or pants suit; Footwear: Closed, comfortable dress shoes for walking)


You can help prepare yourself for CVD by visiting the following Web pages

Materials for the “Leave Behind” Folder will be made available at the IEEE-USA Training.