Webinar: IEEE on Machine Ethics

City: Houston

Co-sponsored by: CB Sanderson   Machine ethics is the study of how autonomous systems can be imbued with ethical values. Ethical autonomous systems are needed because, inevitably, near future systems are moral agents; consider driverless cars, or medical diagnosis AIs, both of which will need to make choices with ethical consequences. Although machine ethics has been the subject of theoretical and philosophical study for about twenty years, it is only in the past five years that proof-of-concept ethical machines have been demonstrated in the laboratory. This webinar aims to open a discussion of the interesting and difficult technical challenges of engineering ethical machines, alongside wider societal and regulatory questions of how such machines should be governed, if and when they find real-world application.Panelists:- Alan Winfield (University of the West of England)- Katina Michael (Arizona State University)- Sarah Spiekermann (Vienna University of Economics and Business)- Louise Dennis (University of Liverpool)- Jean-François Bonnefon (Université Toulouse-1 Capitole)   Location: Houston, Texas

IEEE Student Branch at Lamar University

Room: 1103, Bldg: Cheery Engineering Building

Co-sponsored by: Ryan Hobbs Stuck in a rut?    Set NEW Sparks for Your Next Phase of LIFE!!! Finish with a focus! Spark your semester finish to a successful new career or a successful summer break. The IEEE Student Branch at Lamar University will be hosting a Motivational Seminar facilitated by Mr. Taylor Troutman. He will help you transition from your current steady state of final exams and academic life and help you jump-start to a successful new career or how to find productive work or purpose during the summer break. This seminar is focused around sharing challenges/success and motivation moments in overcoming preparation for Spring Semester Exams, Spring Graduation, and Summer Break. Speaker(s): Taylor Troutman, Location: Room: 1103 Bldg: Cheery Engineering Building Lamar University Beaumont, Texas 77705