Week of Events
2017 Houston Engineer Week
About Houston Engineers Week Recognizing that service to the public as a professional engineer is a noble and worthy profession, the Houston Engineers Week Committee dedicates itself to the promotion of the profession of engineering as a social and economic influence vital to the welfare of the community, the State of Texas, the United States of America, and all mankind. Primary Objectives and Activities The objectives of the Houston Engineers Week Committee shall be in harmony with the local Chapter and Region of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and the National Society of Professional Engineers. The primary objectives of the Committee include, but are not limited to: Advancement and promotion of professional, social, and economic interests of the profession; Continuing support of engineering education through scholastic competition and scholarship; Recognition and honoring of engineering achievement in Houston area; and, Advancement of the public's knowledge of and appreciate for all fields of engineering. Secondary Objectives and Activities In addition to the primary objectives of the Houston Engineers Week Committee, secondary activities and objectives include: Advancement and promotion of public welfare; Stimulation and development of professional concepts among all engineers; Development of the civic consciousness of members of the engineering profession; Service to the public good by support of and cooperation with local and other public officials; Representation of the engineering profession in civic matters in the interests of the profession; and Encouragement of high standards of ethical conduct and practice by members of the profession. 2017 Houston Engineer Week Agenda
Grounding Design Considerations and Impacts
Co-sponsored by: Nick Nichols Registration is Required This seminar will investigate grounding in industrial applications; specifically what the design is required to do and why. The seminar will explore the operation of the grounding system along with the nuances. Speaker(s): Steve Szczecinski (Erico / Pentair), Agenda: Time: 6:00 - 8:30 PM Buffet Meal: 5:00 - 6:00 PM Day 1 Seminar: 6:00 - 8:30 PM Day 2 Seminar: 6:00 - 8:30 PM Location: Room: Tower Two Bldg: Jacobs Engineering 5985 Rogerdale Road Houston Houston, Texas 77072
IEEE HOU Sec: ExCom Meeting
IEEE HOU Sec: ExCom Meeting
Co-sponsored by: Kheng Swee Goh IEEE HOU Section ExCom meeting is open to Committee and Society Chairperson leaders to update IEEE Houston Section Executive Board and Committee. Space is limited. If you are not an EXCOM member and wish to attend, please contact the Section’s Chair at Kheng Swee Goh ([email protected]) Agenda: Previous ExCom Minutes Treasurer Report Society Reports Committee Reports Old/New Business Location: Bldg: HESS Club 5430 Westheimer Rd Houston, Texas 77056
Leveraging PHA to Develop Requirements for Cyber-Security
Leveraging PHA to Develop Requirements for Cyber-Security
Co-sponsored by: Jared Johnson Process plants need to be protected against physical consequences generated from cyber-attack. The starting point for developing a program for cyber-security is the assessment of the risk posed by cyber-attacks. Instead of starting with a blank sheet for paper for this analysis, use of the existing PHA documentation and process will provide optimal results with minimal additional work, and also ensuring that risk tolerance criteria and risk management methods are consistently applied. This paper will explain how existing methods for process hazards analysis (PHA) of process industry plants can be expanded with an additional "cyber review". The purpose of the cyber review is to determine if there are any cyber-attack vectors that can cause significant physical damage to the facility, and if so, make recommendations for modifying one or more of the safeguards in a cyber-vulnerable vector so that they are not vulnerable to cyber-attack, or assigning an appropriate level of performance to cyber-security measures. The same way that definition of safety integrity levels (SIL) flow from HAZOP through LOPA to a safety instrumented system specifications, the definition of "security levels" as defined in ISA 99 (IEC 62443) can flow from the PHA through a "cyber review" to industrial control network specifications. The approach that will be discussed includes analysis of the causes of safety incidents, the safeguards that prevent the causes from resulting in consequences, and the magnitude of the consequences that might result from the realization of these hazards. The discussion will include an example of a batch chemical reactor where a Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) study was assessed using a PHA cyber review in order to determine whether or not the facility was inherently cyber-safe, and if not, make cyber-safe recommendations and define IEC 62443 Security Level specifications. Speaker(s): Ed Marszal, Location: Bldg: HESS Club 5430 Westheimer Rd Houston, Ohio 77056
IEEE HOU Sec: Leveraging PHA to Develop Requirements for Cyber-Security
IEEE HOU Sec: Leveraging PHA to Develop Requirements for Cyber-Security
Co-sponsored by: Jared Johnson Process plants need to be protected against physical consequences generated from cyber-attack. The starting point for developing a program for cyber-security is the assessment of the risk posed by cyber-attacks. Instead of starting with a blank sheet for paper for this analysis, use of the existing PHA documentation and process will provide optimal results with minimal additional work, and also ensuring that risk tolerance criteria and risk management methods are consistently applied. This paper will explain how existing methods for process hazards analysis (PHA) of process industry plants can be expanded with an additional "cyber review". The purpose of the cyber review is to determine if there are any cyber-attack vectors that can cause significant physical damage to the facility, and if so, make recommendations for modifying one or more of the safeguards in a cyber-vulnerable vector so that they are not vulnerable to cyber-attack, or assigning an appropriate level of performance to cyber-security measures. The same way that definition of safety integrity levels (SIL) flow from HAZOP through LOPA to a safety instrumented system specifications, the definition of "security levels" as defined in ISA 99 (IEC 62443) can flow from the PHA through a "cyber review" to industrial control network specifications. The approach that will be discussed includes analysis of the causes of safety incidents, the safeguards that prevent the causes from resulting in consequences, and the magnitude of the consequences that might result from the realization of these hazards. The discussion will include an example of a batch chemical reactor where a Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) study was assessed using a PHA cyber review in order to determine whether or not the facility was inherently cyber-safe, and if not, make cyber-safe recommendations and define IEC 62443 Security Level specifications. Speaker(s): Ed Marszal, Agenda: 6:30 Registration 6:45 Dinner 7:15 Presentation 8:15 Q&A 8:30 Speaker Appreciation Presentation Location: Bldg: HESS Club 5430 Westheimer Rd Houston, Ohio 77056