On Friday, January 25, 2019 the Houston Section Life Members Group (LMG) met for the first time with an overflow of attendees. We’re still unsure if it was because of this inaugural meeting presided by Dr. Cajetan M. Akujuobi, P.E. LMG HOU Sec. Chair or the Distinguish keynote speaker Mr. Joe Redfield, P.E., of Redfield Consulting Services.

T.Scott Atkinson, R5 Life Members Chair opened the meeting and shared some of the challenges and opportunities that await the newly formed LMG HOU Sec. Additional remarks were share by Christopher Sanderson, HOU Sec. Vice-Chair and R5 South Area Chair about the importance of leadership, policy and procedures, and mentorship. Key to this groups success will be defining goals and value proposition to its members.

Mr. Redfield presentation on “Electric transportation and the Grid – What will it take to deliver the promise?” was so well received that attendees added potential solutions to this challenging technology. The spirit of IEEE “Advancing Technology for Humanity” filled the discussion.

Special thanks to Scott Atkinson, Dr. Akujuobi, Christopher Sanderson, and Alice Wang, HOU Sec. Chair in supporting the newly formed HOU Sec. Life Members Group. Check the HOU Sec Events page for area meeting and information.

IEEE HOU Sec. has been in existence for more than 90 years serving the greater metro Houston Area. We serves more than 4,000 higher grade members and over 300 student members living and working throughout the greater Metro Houston area. The Houston Section is one of 26 sections in  Region 5 with 15 Society Chapters and Affinity Groups and 5 Student Branch Chapters. The Section provides planning and funding support to assure Chapters have vibrant programs to support members’ careers and meet the IEEE mission of Advancing Technology for Humanity.   We hope your visit to the website will allow you to find ways to become more active in the greater Houston Area.

Article written by IEEE Houston Section Newsletter Chairperson: Payal Majumdar. Let us know if you would like to be part of the newsletter team capturing events and sharing our stories.

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