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On Thursday, March 22, 2018 we had the opportunity to listen and gain some words of wisdom from Erin Urban of UPPSolutions. Erin is a Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and a Certified Professional & Leadership Development Coach with almost a decade in mentoring and coaching successful professional transformations. She shared the importance of developing an environment of innovation and fostering a culture of creativity in the world of business.

She challenged us to think about where we are as individuals, teams, and organizations, and where we would like to be in the future in those perspective areas. “Perhaps you would like to encourage a continuous improvement mindset.” “ Maybe you are faced with the challenge to launch a strategic initiative, prehaps developing a new product or finding unique methods to attracting and retaining clients.” “Whatever the goal: harnessing the power of creativity in a corporate culture is both rewarding and terrifying,” says Erin Urban.

The audience learned the joy of creative thinking, and how to avoid the pitfalls of the Groupthink ideals. A successfully environment supports both diversity as well as innovation in a hectic corporate climate.  “The biggest single variable of whether employees will be creative is whether they perceive they have permission.” – David Hill

Thank you UPPSolutions for taking time out to speak to the IEEE Houston Section. We are IEEE Houston, Advancing Technology for all of Humanity where we live, work, and play.


Newsletter Chairperson: Payal Majumdar

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