IEEE STEP was an initiative developed by IEEE Young Professionals to provide dynamic platform for facilitating the transition from studying as a student to working as young professional by introducing the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a STEM career.


IEEE Houston Young Professionals (HOU YP) gathered together on April 28th, 2018 to celebrate those students graduating from their undergraduate careers this May. The IEEE HOU STEP event was held at Axelrad on their upstairs balcony.

The sun was unforgiving and many attendees left with a hearty sunburn as well as a few business cards from the networking that took place. Kim Tai catered the event and provided spring rolls, egg rolls, and two stir fry dishes for everyone to eat.

Sira Rao gave a presentation as part of the event. His presentation was casual and covered the twists and turns of his professional narrative, including how he managed the transition from undergraduate studies to graduate school, and the transition from graduate studies to full-time employment.

For those interested in learning more about the IEEE STEP events or IEEE HOU YP events, please reach out to IEEE HOU YP Chair, listed here on the listing of IEEE HOU society chairs, or visit us at our IEEE HOU YP website and fill out the contact us form.

Article written by HOU YP Chair: Moriah Hargrove Anders. Let us know if you would like to be part of the newsletter team capturing events and sharing our stories.

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