On February 16, 2018, RICE University IEEE Student Branch hosted a team of IEEE guest at their IEEE Lunch &  Learn. With over 40 Student Branch members in attendance, Kristen MacCartney, the IEEE Senior University Partnership Progam Manager; CB Sanderson, Region 5 South Area Chair and Houston Section Vice-Chair; and Andrew Gusev, Houston Section Student Branch Chair were the guest of honors to share the great opportunities and experiences of IEEE.

Ms. MacCartney’s visit to Texas gave her the opportunity to visit other IEEE Student Branches at the University of Texas, Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M University, and Rice University. Her shared words of wisdom and insight to the opportunities within IEEE showed us how great it is to belong to such a global and local community. She also had the opportunity to visit TAMUhack, where teams spent the weekend working on innovative software and hardware solutions to real-world problems in a community full of mentorship.

Mr. Sanderson, challenged us to partner up with local Houston Section activities and events. He shared some information about a called IEEE devDay, that is centered around working with Student Branches and Young Professionals on developing the skills necessary in todays workforce.

Mr. Gusev, shared his IEEE experience. It wasn’t long ago that he was a face in the crowd studying for exams and looking for a job. His unique experience left no excuses why we as students should be IEEE members.

Thank you Andrew for coordinating these efforts on behalf of IEEE.

We are IEEE Houston, Advancing Technology for all of Humanity where we live, work, and play.


Newsletter Chairperson: Payal Majumdar

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