Posts tagged with: conference

UH Clear Lake: SPAC Student Conference

On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 I was invited to participate in IEEE UH-Clear Lake SPAC Student Conference. I must admit I didn’t know much about SPAC was and it was a luncheon, so I decided to attend. IEEE Student Professional Awareness Conference (SPAC) is an …

Galveston Bay Section: Professional Forum and Student Poster Session

On Saturday, November 16, 2019 the Houston Section partnered up with the Galveston Bay Section to support the Professional Forum and Student Poster Session. This was a great event coordinated by the Galveston Bay Section where their were over 35 Students participating from TAMU-Galveston, UH-Clear …

Galveston Bay Sec: Professional Forum & Student Poster Session

IEEE Galveston Bay Section
in Cooperation with GBS Chapters and Houston Section support is proud to organize
SATURDAY, November 16th, 2019  

1- Time Management– Sabia  Abidi
2- Networking as a Tool– Zafar …

Jacobs Engineering Receives IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Large Company Award

This award will be giving to a COMPANY within the Region that strongly supports IEEE members, Region 5, and the objectives of IEEE.
Jacobs Engineering is an international technical professional services firm. The company provides technical, professional and construction services, as well as scientific and specialty …

Eaton Scholarship Photo Booth – 2019 OTC Challenge

Calling on all IEEE Members Around the World Visiting OTC 2019
The 2019 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), the IEEE HOU Sec and Eaton collaborated for another opportunity to meet the IEEE HOU Sec Scholarship Challenge initiative. Last years OTC Signature Wall Challenge was such a success, we’ve been asked to …

2019 Offshore Technical Conference (OTC)

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.
Celebrating 50 years since 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park (formerly Reliant Park) in Houston. OTC has …

R5 Conference Recap: Business Meeting

At the beginning of April, several Houston Section and local Student Branch representatives attended the Region 5 Business Meeting.  These representatives witnessed/participated in various student competitions, including an ethics competition and a circuit design competition, and attended IEEE-enrichment trainings hosted by regional and national leadership.
Students …

International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics

Co-sponsored by: IMEKO Technical Committee on Robotics
This symposium will focus on various aspects of international research, applications and trends of robotic Innovations for the benefit of humanity, advanced human-robot systems and applied technologies, e.g. in the fields of robotics, telerobotics, simulator platforms and …

Prairie View A&M University Annual IEEE AI Workshop Conference

On Friday, March 22, 2019 IEEE Prairie View A&M University and IEEE University of Houston Student Branches partner to host an IEEE Workshop Conference centered around the revolution of Artificial Intelligence.
The workshop conference was established to help students understand more about these emerging technologies …

2018 Offshore Technical Conference (OTC)

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters.
Celebrating 50 years since 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park (formerly Reliant Park) in Houston. OTC has …