On Saturday, January 12, 2019 the IEEE HOU Sec. Young Professionals sponsored a workshop SMARTER Goals. This has been a yearly sponsored workshop and has continued to gain popularity and help shape the attendees goals for the year and life.

There was no greater feeling than seeing returning IEEE members and guest at this SMARTER Goals workshop,” says Christopher Sanderson, Workshop Facilitator.

A SMARTER Goal is a convenient acronym for a set of criteria that a goal MUST include in order

for it to be realized by the goal achiever. There are numerous variations on the #SMARTERGoal

acronym, however, the one we will follow is:

S for Specific

M for Measurable or Meaningful

A for Agreed or Assignable

R for Realistic or Relevant

T for Time Bound or Trackable

E for Ethical or Encompassing

R for Recorded or Reviewable

A bad goal is DUMB. Which stands for Dreamy Unrealistic Motivating Bs or Dateless Unsupportive Muddy Beyond reach. I will leave it to your imagination to fill in what DUMBER can stand for, but it could stand for Diffuse, Under-Delivers, Missing Metrics, Blind Slighted, what would you suggest for and R?

A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” a quote by Harvey Mackay

IEEE HOU Sec. Young Professionals (YP) s an IEEE affinity group associated with the IEEE Houston Section.  YPs includes IEEE members who are within 1-15 years of their undergraduate graduation date. YPs, guests, and interested members of the public are invited to attend our networking events and professional development workshops.  IEEE Houston YP focuses member programming on events promoting whole person development, in addition to developing technical skills of YP members.

IEEE HOU Sec. has been in existence for more than 80 years serving the greater metro Houston Area. We serves more than 4,000 higher grade members and over 300 student members living and working throughout the greater Metro Houston area. The Houston Section is one of 26 sections in  Region 5 with 15 Society Chapters and Affinity Groups and 5 Student Branch Chapters. The Section provides planning and funding support to assure Chapters have vibrant programs to support members’ careers and meet the IEEE mission of Advancing Technology for Humanity.   We hope your visit to the website will allow you to find ways to become more active in the greater Houston Area.

Contact Christopher Sanderson R5 South Area Chair, HOU Sec. Vice-Chair or to view the complete article on Are your goals SMARTER? Visit the following link.

Article Submitted by Payal Majumdar IEEE Houston Section Newsletter Chair.