IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand (CED)

  • Our speakers encourage lively discussion. They frequently augment their presentations with material tailored to answering specific questions asked during the class.

2019 – 2020 Seminars & Registration Information

The purpose of IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand is to provide modern practical industrial power application topics that supplement the daily work activities of the practicing graduate electrical engineer. The seminars are intended to stimulate further study and discussion for learning continuance throughout the working career. Topics apply to electrical power systems as relates to oil and gas, petro-chem, co-gen, marine offshore, etc. Instructors are application engineers, manufacturing specialists and expert consultants who provide a blend of diverse engineering perspectives.


Cost:  IEEE Member: $100 (2 nights) | $50 (1 night)
Non-member:  $200 (2 nights) | $100 (1 night)
Time:  6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Buffet Meal:  5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Worley Engineering, Tower Two
5985 Rogerdale Road
Houston, TX. 77072
Inquiries: John


Visit our IEEE Houston Section Events Calendar for the 2019 – 2020 schedule of seminars.  IEEE Houston Section Continuing Education on Demand (CED)