For more history on the Ozark section, see our history page at

Memories from John Meredith – IEEE-USA President 2007, and early member of what would become the Ozark Section

John befriended me at my first regional meeting as Chair of the Ozark Section and was eager to offer great advise as well as share memories of his time in Fayetteville.  John remains very active in IEEE and Region 5 and is always a highlight at our regional meetings and events – Matt Francis, Chair, Ozark Section

JohnMeredithThis is based on my memories, as faint as they are, of my first week at Arkansas (September 1960). I had just enrolled for my first semester as a freshman. I discovered a poster in the old engineering building announcing a book sale sponsored by the Joint AIEE/IRE Student Branch. Being an avid reader I dropped by to check this out. Some of the student officers were peddling not only books but membership in AIEE and IRE. The books were priced to sell so I purchased a copy of Radiotron Designer’s Handbook and a reference book titled Reference Data for Radio Engineers (I know the titles because these books are behind me on my bookshelf).  Also joined both AIEE and IRE. I recall receiving a monthly student magazine along with Proceedings of AIEE and Proceedings of IRE. I couldn’t understand much of what was published in the proceedings but the student magazine was a nice magazine.radiotron-designers-handbook-rca-langford-smith-1952-hc-book-efd32542058d90690ea5f8072abff62d
I wasn’t active in the Student Branch leadership as I was pretty shy fellow during my college years. I do recall attending some branch meetings. One was a technical meeting where an Arkansas Alum from TI talked about the challenges of fabricating discrete bipolar devices. Another was an off-campus presentation by some Baldwin Piano and Organ engineers on their electronic organ manufacturing operation located southwest of Razorback Stadium. I worked for Baldwin during my college years. One of my fellow Baldwin employees was a Student Branch officer. He recruited me and a couple of others to build some Heathkit oscilloscopes for EE Department laboratories.  I was more interested in amateur radio and attended most of the UofA Amateur Radio Club (W5YM) meetings. Our sponsor was an EE Professor, Walton Cannon. Dr. Cannon was a mentor to several Fayetteville High School budding EEs who were ‘hams.’ When I look back at my motivation for joining AIEE/IRE, I believe the thought that I could belong to an organization which represented EEs like Walt Cannon convinced me that I should join.
University of Arkansas HKN Chapter Petition (1958)
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Do you have pictures, memories or stories to share with the Section?  Please drop us a line!