Local Units
SBC0118A (Missouri Univ of Science & Tech,AES10)Type: Student Branch Chapter
STB02231 (Washington University-St. Louis)Type: Student Branch
STB01731 (Parks College Of St Louis Univ)Type: Student BranchURL: http://www.slu.edu/organizations/ieee/
STB05781 (Southern Illinois Univ-Edwardsville)Type: Student BranchURL: http://www.siue.edu/~gengel/ieeesb.htm
SBC01181 (Missouri Univ of Science & Tech,C16)Type: Student Branch Chapter
SBC01171 (University of Missouri,C16)Type: Student Branch Chapter
SBC01731 (Parks College Of St Louis Univ,C16)Type: Student Branch Chapter
STB98591 (Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale)Type: Student Branch
SBC0118B (Missouri Univ of Science & Tech,PE31)Type: Student Branch Chapter
STB28624 (St Louis Community College)Type: Student Branch
STB05001 (Missouri University of Science & Technology CS)Type: Student Branch
HKN056 (Missouri University of Science & Tech, Gamma Theta)Type: Affinity
HKN159 (Southern Illinois Univ-Edwardsville,Theta Omicron)Type: Affinity
HKN078 (Washington University-St. Louis, Delta Zeta)Type: AffinityURL: http://https://wustl.presence.io/organization/institute-of-electrical-and-electronics-engineers
HKN009 (University of Missouri,Iota)Type: Affinity
HKN219 (Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale,Lambda Epsilon)Type: Affinity
WE50025 (Saint Louis Section Affinity Group,WIE)Type: AffinityURL: http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r5/stlouis/wie/
CH05244 (Saint Louis Section Chapter, PE31)Type: Chapter
LM50025 (Saint Louis Section Affinity Group,LM)Type: Affinity
CH05258 (Saint Louis Section Chapter,AP03)Type: Chapter
STB60203125 (University of Missouri-St. Louis)Type: Student Branch
STB2581403 (University of Missouri-St. Louis)Type: Student Branch
SBC01181A (Missouri Univ of Science & Tech,IA34)Type: Student Branch Chapter