Following IEEE instructions, our section officers will serve a two-year term except in the case where any of the officers are unable to serve their second-year term. Following is the list of 2023 section officers, committee chairs, chapter and affinity group chairs. Several positions are still open and need to be filled. Members are encouraged to volunteer for appropriate positions (indicated by TBA – to be appointed) and send either self or nominations to
Elected 2023 ExCom
Chair: |
Dr. Dave Hanson |
Vice Chair: |
Dr Irfan Khan |
Treasurer: |
Dr. Zafar Taqvi |
713-392-1280 |
Secretary: |
Soma Datta |
Past Chair: |
Dr. Julian Morales |
2023 Section Committees
Membership/PACE/Students Chair
Chair: |
Dr. Zafar Taqvi |
713-392-1280 |
Senior Upgrade Chair Stewart O’Dell EMAIL
Webmaster Ronald Kollman EMAIL
PR Chair Michelle Krueger
Linkedin Coordinator Dr. Irina Brewer EMAIL
Media Coordinator Alex Howell
Strategic Planning Coordinator Open
History Chair Open
Awards Chair Open
Chair-Joint Societies Chapter (AESS, EMBS, PES, RAS, VTS) Dr Zafar Taqvi
Vice Chair (PES) Dr. Irfan Khan EMAIL
Vice Chair (EMBS) Dr. Sabia Abidi
Vice Chair (RAS) Dr. Luong Nguyen EMAIL
Vice Chair (VTS) Dr. Ishaq Unwala
Vice Chair (AESS) Open
Chair EMC Chapter George Mays
Vice Chair EMC Chapter Julian Morales EMAIL
Chair Computer Society Chapter Dr. A. Sunny Okorie (Bruce)
Vice Chair Open
Chair Communication Society Chapter Dr. Zafar Taqvi EMAIL 713-392-1280
Vice Chair Dr. Paul Potier EMAIL
Chair Joint Societies chapter (IMS, Councils Systems, Sensors, Biometrics) Dr Zafar Taqvi
EMAIL 713-392-1280
Vice Chairs Open
Affinity Groups
Chair YP Affinity Group Dr. Ken Goodwin EMAIL
Vice Chair Open
Chair Consulting Affinity Group Open
Vice Chair Open
Chair Life Member Affinity Group Dr. Ken Goodwin EMAIL
Vice Chair/Treasurer Dr. Zafar Taqvi EMAIL 713-392-1280
Chair Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Dr. Sabia Abidi EMAIL
Vice Chair Dr. Soma Datta
UHCL Student Branch
Past Executive Committee