The Pocket Scope – April 2019
IEEE Houston Section Monthly Newsletter
Greetings Houston Section!
The Houston section volunteers have had a busy couple of months with a successful planning retreat and attending the region 5 business meeting. At the Region 5 meeting, several Houston Section volunteers won awards for their achievements in 2018 including Moriah Hargrove Anders, Christopher Sanderson, and Freddie Wong, congratulations! On April 25, at HESS, we will have an informative session on Emerging 5G Technologies and Edge computing, presented by our Programs Chairman George Muthalaly. The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), which the Houston Section is a sponsor, is just around the corner. We encourage our members to visit the Eaton Booth during the OTC. Eaton will have a photo booth challenge which will be interesting. It is a great time to get out and meet some of the other 2600+ Houston Section IEEE members and strengthen our professional networks. We would also like to congratulate the Class of 2019 and our IEEE graduating student members. We’re here to help you along your career path.
Warmest regards,
Alice Wang
Section Chair – IEEE Houston Section
IEEE Graduation Stole Program
The HOU Sec. wanted to promote relationship and membership in graduating IEEE members from affiliated Student Branches, the IEEE Houston Section is offering the Stole and Regalia rental program. To find out more about the program visit IEEE Graduation Stole Program or contact Mario Hernandez for additional details or click here for information about the program.
IEEE Membership Half Off in March
Don’t miss out on all the benefits of belonging to the largest professional society in the world, renew your membership today, and save. For additional information about the ½ membership click here.
Young Professionals April Newsletter, by Rosario Diaz
See all the YP activities for April, and the rest of the summer here, including:
IEEE YP HOU: STEPing Forward (May 4, 2019) – Save the date!
IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference May 23-24, 2019 – Austin, TX
IEEE EVO 2019 – The Evolution of You (August 2-3, 2019)
May Oceanic Engineering Society Meeting
Case Studies in Advanced Motion Control – IEEE – OES
May 7 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm CDT
Many of the world’s most challenging technological problems in motion control are being solved right now. We will explore several advanced innovations and technology applications in the electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic actuation arena including; How do we explore hard to reach oil reserves more efficiently? How do we effectively utilize electro-hydraulic closed loop position control to make sailboats “fly”? Can we use additive manufacturing and blockchain to reduce parts inventory? How do we make complex autonomous construction equipment easier to control? Join us for a lively discussion of some real-life engineering case studies changing the future of motion control.
Speaker(s): David Grabau
Click here to register for the upcoming seminar.
The registration deadline is rapidly approaching, and we want to let you know that there are a few remaining slots available.
Texas is the home to several centers of technical excellence of national importance, as well as several key IEEE historical awards including Milestones celebrating technological breakthroughs or turning points. These will form the basis for a few technology-oriented visits throughout Texas.
The Tour, limited to 50 guests, is scheduled for mid Oct 2019 and will consist of a 10-day bus tour of significant technical sites in Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Dallas. Cultural and historical sites will also be included along with many social events with local IEEE members. Spouses are welcome. Click here for additional information.
IEEE Houston Section Congressional Visit Day on Science, Engineering and Technology (SET)
On Wednesday, April 3, 2019 members from around the United States participated in the IEEE-USA Congressional Visit Day (CVD) Fly-In. This year’s CVD centered around Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) that brings scientists, engineers, mathematicians, researchers, educators, and technology executives to Washington to raise visibility and support for science, engineering, and technology. Uniquely multi-sector and multi-disciplinary, the SET CVD is coordinated by a coalition of professional societies, companies and educational institutions. It is open to all who support science and technology, especially federal support for STEM research. The program consists of a series of briefings and meetings, culminating with a full day of visits with your Congressional delegates.
For additional information Click here.
R5 Conference Recap: Business Meeting
At the beginning of April, several Houston Section and local Student Branch representatives attended the Region 5 Business Meeting. These representatives witnessed/participated in various student competitions, including an ethics competition and a circuit design competition, and attended IEEE-enrichment trainings hosted by regional and national leadership.
Students from the University of Houston, University of Houston Downtown, Lamar University, and Texas A&M Galveston IEEE Student Branches or affiliate groups all joined the Houston Section in Lafayette, Louisiana for this meeting.
For additional information Click here.
IEEE HOU Sec. Recognizing our 2018 IEEExTreme Volunteers
On Thursday, April 25, 2019 the IEEE HOU Sec. will be recognizing its 2018 IEEExTreme 12.0 proctor volunteers at the monthly Section Meeting. The IEEEXtreme is an annual hackathon and competitive programming challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members and supported by Volunteer Proctors who are IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. Click here for additional information.
Spring Senior Membership Drive
If you’ve been an IEEE member, for about 10 years, maybe you should consider becoming a Senior Member. Being a Senior Member, has many benefits, is easy to apply for, helps the Houston Section, and is free to do. Check out this article:
Houston Section Events for May 2019
Check out the Houston Section Events page for all of the latest information taking place in the Greater Houston Metro Area. Looking forward to seeing you at an event soon. Click here for additional information.
The Pocket Scope is the monthly newsletter of the Houston Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. New issues are published around the 15th of each month. The deadline for inclusion of material is the 10th of the month. Send submissions, comments, or questions to Dr. Payal Majumdar or Vincent Palughi