CTS Officers, Chairs & Coordinators |
Chair | Andrew Bluiett | Andrew.Bluiett@ieee.org |
Vice-Chair | Martha Dodge | mcdodge@ieee.org |
Secretary | Semih Aslan | aslan@txstate.edu |
Treasurer | James Mercier | mercier@ieee.org |
Past Chair | Fawzi Behmann | f.behmann@ieee.org |
Past Chair | Larry Larson | larry.larson@ieee.org |
Electronic Communications Coordinator | Dennis Ferguson | Dennis Furguson |
Analog Newsletter Editor | Dennis Ferguson | Dennis Ferguson |
Policy and Procedure Review | Tom Grim | t.grim@ieee.org |
Webmaster | Martha Dodge | mcdodge@ieee.org |
Young Professionals – Austin | Karina Paz | haleyhirschfield@ieee.org |
Consultants Network | Luis Basto | lbasto@ieee.org |
Life Member Coordinator | Bill Martino | bill.martino@ieee.org |
Women In Engineering | Leslie Martinich | lmartinich@ieee.org |
Education Activities | vacant | |
UT Austin TEMS Grad Student Chapter | Sirish Oruganti | sirishoruganti@utexas.edu |
UT Austin NANO Grad Student Chapter | Gavin Latham | glatham2000@utexas.edu |
Section Student Representative on ExCom | Deslynn Vasques Texas State | drv46@txstate.edu |
PACE | Norma Antunano | normaantunano@ieee.org |
Membership Development | Eric Kapinus | emkapinus@gmail.com |
Corporate Outreach Program | Fawzi Behmann | f.behmann@ieee.org |
Professional Development | Fawzi Behmann | f.behmann@ieee.org |
Awards & Recognition | Leslie Martinich | lmartinich@ieee.org |
Conferences | Fawzi Behmann | f.behmann@ieee.org |
K thru 12 | John Purvis | John.Purvis@ieee.org |
EWeek Austin | John Purvis | John.Purvis@ieee.org |
Nominations & Appointments | Leslie Martinich | lmartinich@ieee.org |
Student Activities | Larry Larson | larry.larson@ieee.org |
Senior Member Upgrade | Eric Kapinus | emkapinus@gmail.com |
R5 South Chair | Christopher Sanderson | christopher.b.sanderson@ieee.org |
vTools | Martha Dodge | mcdodge@ieee.org |
Government Activities | Leslie Martinich, Mina Hanna | lmartinich@ieee.org, minajean.stanford@gmail.com |
OU Analytics | James Mercier, Christopher Sanderson | mercier@ieee.org, christopher.b.sanderson@ieee.org |
Executive Committee: 26 members,
Quorum: 13
- Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Two Immediate Past-Chairs, Mgr Electronic Communications, Student Representative (8)
- All Chapter and Affinity Group Chairs (18)
Note: Chapter/AG Chairs can select a different Chapter/AG Officer to cast Chapter vote
Section Committee: 16 members
Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Two Immediate Past-Chairs, Mgr Electronic Communications, Student Representative (8)
Standing Committee Chairs (8):
Awards and Recognition Leslie Martinich Electronics Communications Dennis Ferguson K-12 Educational Activities John Purvis Membership Development Eric Kapinus Policies and Procedures Tom Grim Professional Activities Fawzi Behmann University Student Liaison Larry Larson vTools Coordinator Martha Dodge |