IEEE Central Texas Section ExComm Monthly Meeting
Virtual: Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual:
IEEE Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual:
IEEE Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual:
THURSDAY 03 APR, 2025 05:30 PM EST // HYBRID EVENT ON-SITE VENUE Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), 201-117, 11091 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723 Visitor’s Information VIRTUAL LINK RECEIVED AFTER REGISTRATION Invited Talk 1 – Georgia Tech’s Revolutionary Online Program and the future of online learning in higher education Speaker – Prof. Zvi Galil Georgia Tech, Fellow of ACM, American Academy of Arts and Science and Member National Academy of Engineering Invited Talk 2 – 5G open-source stacks as tools for learning, innovating, and commercializing Speaker – Tracy van Brakle, Senior Consultant with WINLAB, Rutgers University (formerly Expert Member of Technical Staff with AT&T) Co-sponsored by: ACM Baltimore Chapter Speaker(s): Zvi Galil, Tracy Van Brakle Agenda: Register to receive the meeting link Bldg: B201-117, Johns Hopkins University (JHU/APL), 11091 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, New York, United States, Virtual:
The IEEE TAMUSA chapter is pleased to present an exclusive engineering mixer focused on the bioeffects of lasers. This event will feature a presentation by Guest Speaker GARRETT D. POLHAMUS, PHD, PE, COL (RET) a leading expert in the field. Attendees will gain insights into: - The fundamental principles of laser-tissue interaction - Applications of lasers in medicine -Potential risks and safety considerations associated with laser exposure - Current research and future directions in laser technology This is a valuable opportunity to network with fellow engineers, researchers, and industry professionals while expanding your knowledge of this rapidly evolving field. Refreshments will be provided. Room: 242, Bldg: STEM, One University Way, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78224
See agenda below. Agenda: Agenda Virtual:
Speaker(s): Eli Cox Agenda: 6:25to 6:35 PM - Open for participants to enter and network. 6:35 to 6:40 PM - IEEE LM and CTCN Business meeting and to introduce speaker. 6:40 to 7:55PM - Formal Program and Q&A. Room: 8, Bldg: Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Rd., Austin, Texas, United States, 78754, Virtual:
IEEE Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual:
See agenda below. Agenda: Agenda Virtual:
IEEE Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual:
IEEE Central Texas Section Monthly ExCom Meeting Agenda: Officer Reports Committee Reports Virtual: