IEEE PI2 Austin, March 28th, 2023, Tech Meeting via WebEx and In-Person 6 PM Central / 7 PM Eastern at Lupe Tortilla off MoPac. - New Location: Lupe Tortilla, 10515 N MoPac Expy, Austin, Texas Dinner (Fajitas) and soft beverages will be provided for those with reservations. If you do not have a reservation you will not be able to eat. Cost, to defray the room, dinner and refreshments cost. Thank you in advance: - All Attendees: In-person Choices: - $25.00 Paypal from your card when registering - you do not need a Paypal account to use it. Click through to the credit/debit page. - $25.00 credit/debit with Square at the meeting. Please resister in advance (skip the payment) - YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THE OPTIONS ABOVE - $30.00 cash at the meeting - On-Line- $5.00 Paypal (you don’t need to have an account to pay) - IEEE Student Members - free (must register in advance with your IEEE member number) The WebEx information will be emailed to you the day of the event. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or do not receive the WebEx details. For PDH hours, please email the PI2 Secretary, Haley Hirschfield at [email protected] or [email protected]. Abstract This talk will provide an overview of two major Inverter Based Resource (IBR) events occurring on May 9th, 2021 and June 4th, 2022, originating in West Texas, informally known as the “Odessa Events”. These events resulted in the tripping of numerous inverter based generators in West Texas on the ERCOT system. The scope of this discussion will include: - Details concerning the origin and impact of each event - Causes of each solar PV reduction on the ERCOT system - Explanation of each inverter fault code - Corrective actions determined by discussions between ERCOT and inverter Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) - Summary of ERCOT activities in response to Odessa Events Speaker(s): Julia Hariharan, Agenda: Mixer/Food-Refreshments/Sign-In: 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM Program: 6:30 PM to 7:45 PM Networking: 7:45 PM to 8:00 PM Bldg: Building R, Lupe Tortilla, 10515 N MoPac Expy, Austin, Texas, United States, 78759, Virtual:
We are pleased to invite Distinguished Speaker T. Scott Atkinson to Austin and be part of a special program prepared for IEEE Central Texas Austin member community. The event is sponsored by several chapters IEEE CTS ComSoc/SP/CTSoc, Computer/EMBS, LM, CTCN, ComSoc/SP of Lone Star section. In-Person Location: Ingram School of Engineering, San Marcos University Date: March 30, 2023 Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Including Networking and F&B Cost: none Talk Title: Space Communications, a Review Distinguished Speaker: Scott Atkinson, Treasurer, IEEE Lone Star Section, Chair, Life Members Affinity Gp, IEEE Lone Star Section, Chapter Treasurer: San Antonio Com/SP, Computer & TEMS Abstract: NASA’s reliable space communications and navigation (SCaN) networks are the backbone of all of NASA’s space missions, providing the critical communications services for all earth, space science, and human space missions. This includes all the telemetry, tracking, and commanding required by each spacecraft to transfer key data to the ground systems to manage space operations. Bio: T. Scott Atkinson, IEEE Life Senior Member, ComSoc Life Senior Member, Computer Society Life Senior Member and Technology Engineering and Management Society Life Senior Member, has been a member of the IEEE Communications Society since 1968. Over the years he has attended and participated in over 20 ComSoc Flagship conferences and was Executive Chair of the Globecom 2014 in Austin. In his career, he was initially in the U. S. Air force, serving as a Communications Officer. His next position was as a Communications Engineer working for Lockheed Electronics Company at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center near Houston. He worked on the Apollo Command Module/Lunar Module Communications system testing with primary focus on the Data Storage Equipment (DSE) essentially the black Box of the Command and Lunar Modules. Next, he served 14 years as a Communications Engineer and Project Manager for a Houston based company called Tenneco. Finally, before retirement, he worked for the San Antonio based United Services Automobile Association (USAA) as a senior Tech Support Engineer on their Worldwide Communications system. The main focus was on their telephone switching systems and voice/data integration. In retirement, he became an independent Telecommunications Consultant working for USAA and several other major clients before retiring completely in 2009. At that time, he became a full-time volunteer at IEEE for the Communications Society, Region 5 and the Member Geographic Area Board. His held two significant positions: Chair of the IEEE Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee and chair of the Life Members Committee. He occasionally provides presentations to IEEE units on Space Communications, major world telescopes and Home Automation. He is also on the ComSoc History Committee where he performs Oral Histories and supports their IEEE Milestone applications. He and his wife Margaret have two adult daughters and currently lives in San Antonio. If help is needed, please connect with: Prof. Semih Aslan, [email protected]. or Fawzi Behmann, [email protected] Agenda: Agenda 11:30 am 11:35 am introduction 11:35 am - 12:35 pm Talk & Q& A 12:35 pm - 1:00 pm Membership 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Recap & Networking Bldg: Ingram School of Engineering, 601 University Dr., San Marcos, Texas, United States, 78666
We are pleased to invite special guest speaker T. Scott Atkinson to Austin and be part of a special program prepared for IEEE Central Texas Austin member community. The event is sponsored by several chapters IEEE CTS ComSoc/SP/CTSoc, Computer/EMBS, LM, and CTCN In-Person Location: Ingram School of Engineering, San Marcos University Date: March 30, 2023 Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Including Networking and F&B Cost: none Talk Title: Space Communications, a Review Presenter: Scott Atkinson, Treasurer, IEEE Lone Star Section, Chair, Life Members Affinity Gp, IEEE Lone Star Section, Chapter Treasurer: San Antonio Com/SP, Computer & TEMS Abstract: NASA’s reliable space communications and navigation (SCaN) networks are the backbone of all of NASA’s space missions, providing the critical communications services for all earth, space science, and human space missions. This includes all the telemetry, tracking, and commanding required by each spacecraft to transfer key data to the ground systems to manage space operations. Bio: T. Scott Atkinson, IEEE Life Senior Member, ComSoc Life Senior Member, Computer Society Life Senior Member and Technology Engineering and Management Society Life Senior Member, has been a member of the IEEE Communications Society since 1968. Over the years he has attended and participated in over 20 ComSoc Flagship conferences and was Executive Chair of the Globecom 2014 in Austin. In his career, he was initially in the U. S. Air force, serving as a Communications Officer. His next position was as a Communications Engineer working for Lockheed Electronics Company at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center near Houston. He worked on the Apollo Command Module/Lunar Module Communications system testing with primary focus on the Data Storage Equipment (DSE) essentially the black Box of the Command and Lunar Modules. Next, he served 14 years as a Communications Engineer and Project Manager for a Houston based company called Tenneco. Finally, before retirement, he worked for the San Antonio based United Services Automobile Association (USAA) as a senior Tech Support Engineer on their Worldwide Communications system. The main focus was on their telephone switching systems and voice/data integration. In retirement, he became an independent Telecommunications Consultant working for USAA and several other major clients before retiring completely in 2009. At that time, he became a full-time volunteer at IEEE for the Communications Society, Region 5 and the Member Geographic Area Board. His held two significant positions: Chair of the IEEE Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee and chair of the Life Members Committee. He occasionally provides presentations to IEEE units on Space Communications, major world telescopes and Home Automation. He is also on the ComSoc History Committee where he performs Oral Histories and supports their IEEE Milestone applications. He and his wife Margaret have two adult daughters and currently lives in San Antonio. If help is needed, please connect with: Prof. Semih Aslan, [email protected]. or Fawzi Behmann, [email protected] Agenda: Agenda 11:30 am 11:35 am introduction 11:35 am - 12:35 pm Talk & Q& A 12:35 pm - 1:00 pm Membership 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Recap & Networking Bldg: Ingram School of Engineering, 601 University Dr., San Marcos, Texas, United States, 78666
Thanks to electronic enabling technologies, machine learning (ML) has gained momentum to get a pervasive paradigm in many applications due to the unquestionable results achieved. Yet, ML appears as a misused buzzword for attracting scientific interest and curiosity. The main problem of ML is the vastity of the tools and techniques mostly linked to neural network architec-tures. In this presentation, I will show how a niche of ML, based on statistical inference, could achieve highly reliable predictive models on reduced da-tasets. Instead of increasing the architectures to follow the algorithmic com-plexity, I will show a reverse approach, where the simplicity of the predictive models could be embedded in simple, low-power architectures. The main ad-vantages of these techniques are first to avoid complex elaborations, being suitable for edge computing, and secondly to develop tools on a robust mathe-matical background, such as multivariate analysis helping the developers to a critical understanding of the raw data. I will show results on different appli-cations based on spectral sensing information processing in precision agricul-ture and structural engineering and how this approach could be extended to any kind of spectral sensing (microwave, mm-wave, terahertz radiation, ultra-sound, optical, infra-red, mass spectroscopy). Speaker(s): Marco Tartagni, Virtual: