IEEE CTS Monthly Conference Call
IEEE CTS Monthly Conference Call
Monthly CTS Exec Committee Phone Call - via Zoom. An email with reminder Zoom information will be sent to you before the call. Agenda: Proposed Agenda 1.Roll Call 2.Officers Update a. Chairman: - Sections Congress b. Vice Chair: c. Secretary: Chapter/Affinity Groups reporting & L31 d. Treasurer - Budget as of end of previous month 3. Special Events Update - PI2 Workshop on National Electric Safety Code 4. Students Brief Update: a. Student Branch Activities (Larry) b. Outreach Community Projects (Semih) 5. Chapters/Affinity groups & Chapter Vitality a. Life Members (Bill Martino) b. Consultants Network (Luis Bast) c. WIE (Leslie Martinich) d. YP (Haley Hirschfield) 6. Standing Committees/Coordinators Update a. Member Development (James) b. Newsletter/Website (Dennis , Martha) c. Sr. Member Upgrade (James) d. Finance (James) e. STEM (John Purvis), f. PACE (Norma), g. P&P (Tom) Zoom, Austin, Texas, United States