Week of Events
IEEE PI2 Austin, February 25, 2025 – Evolving Military Base Electric Power
IEEE PI2 Austin, February 25, 2025 – Evolving Military Base Electric Power
IEEE PI2 Austin, January 28, 2024, Tech Meeting In-Person 6 PM Central / 7 PM Eastern at Balcones Country Club: 8600 Balcones Dr. Austin, TX 78750 Abstract: The growth of electrification and of data centers has accelerated the demand for electric power reliability. For decades military bases have been 10 MW to 50 MW power systems whose continuous reliable operation is critical to US security. This has provided valuable experience at levels of power of today's microgrids. This talk highlights the challenges faced by the Department of Defense in ensuring power for critical infrastructure on military installations and its impact on mission accomplishment and national defense. Details: Dinner and soft beverages will be provided for those with reservations. If you do not have a reservation you will not be able to eat. Cost, to defray the room, dinner and refreshments cost: Thank you in advance: IF REGISTERED IN ADVANCE (Before February 18, 2025) Members and Non-Members: Select Register & Pay now, $25.00 Paypal from your credit card when registering - you do not need a Paypal account to use it. Click through to the credit card/debit page. OR Select Register Now and Pay Later and pay $25.00 cash or credit/debit with Square at the meeting. Please register in advance before February 18th (skip the payment) IEEE Student Members: Free (must register in advance before February 18th with your IEEE member number) Skip the payment All registrants After February 18th, 2025: Pay $30.00 at the the meeting in cash Attendees must be registered before the event for food accommodations. Unfortunately, we are charged more for the meals after the advance registration date For PDH hours, please email the PI2 Secretary, Charles Goertz at HaleyHirschfeld.org or [email protected]. Speaker(s): General Kenneth Eickmann, Bldg: Balcones Country Club, 8600 Balcones Club Dr., Austin, Texas, United States, 78750
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
[] Dr Kootsookos, IEEE Connecticut Section Chair. Dr Kootsookos will describe his career preparation. He will conduct a deep dive of his field as an expert in patent arbitration providing source code reviews. He is a teacher of telecommunications, signal & image processing, circuit analysis, digital hardware, and various software engineering courses at the University of New Haven, Fairfield University, Central Connecticut State University, and CT State Community College, Middlesex in the US and the Australian National University and University of Queensland in Australia. He is a Researcher: Signal processing research: more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing; Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery; Quality processes worked with: IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence). Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Dr. Peter James Kootsookos, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456326
IEEE SSCS/CAS Webinar: New Directions in Power Management – consolidation and computation by Prof. Visvesh Sathe, Georgia Tech
IEEE SSCS/CAS Webinar: New Directions in Power Management – consolidation and computation by Prof. Visvesh Sathe, Georgia Tech
Speaker(s): Vish, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467521
11451-5 Annex G Close Loop Leveling with Power Control Process and Results
11451-5 Annex G Close Loop Leveling with Power Control Process and Results
Synopsis: ETS-Lindgren Team’s efforts in preparing a systems solution and understanding the practical application of ISO 11451-5, Annex G Reverberation Method with Closed-Loop Power Control. The presentation describes the system, process and recorded test results. There will be a live Reverberation System demonstration. Annex G uses a volumetric measured field to determine Emax. The Annex G’s volumetric includes the eight field probes with their orthogonal axis (X, Y and Z). Emax is the mean of all 24 maximum field components. The Target Power (PTarget) is scaled to the desired field (Edesired) using the formula shown previously. Further, the four standard deviations (X, Y, Z and Vector Composite) are calculated and recorded. If the standard deviation results are not compliant to the standard then the standard deviation non-compliance must be stated within the report. Co-sponsored by: Meal Sponsor: ETS-Lindgren Speaker(s): Mr. Jack McFadden, Agenda: Meal – Jason’s Deli Jason’s Deli sandwiches, Cookies,Sweet/Un-Sweet Tea, and Water Huntsville Chapter IEEE EMC Society Meeting Thursday, February 27, 2025 5:30 PM | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) | 3 hrs (https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m79b5f73a0e2c0606ea951f2bcea52423) https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m79b5f73a0e2c0606ea951f2bcea52423 Meeting number: 2538 410 8105 Meeting password: cuGXiBJj273 Join from a video system or application Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. To dial from an IEEE Video Conference System: *1 2538 410 8105 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-415-655-0002,,25384108105## United States Toll 1-855-282-6330,,25384108105## United States Toll Free Bldg: East Tower, 965 Explorer Blvd NW, Huntsville, Alabama, United States, 35806, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469915
Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Cyber law specialist, Sarah Anderson, speaks on the legal actions developing around Artificial Intelligence. Speaker(s): Sarah, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462497
IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting
IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting
The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/471376