“Spacecraft Avionics and Scientific Instruments”: GBS AEROSPACE WEEK PRESENTATION

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/319543

This is the first of the three "GBS AEROSPACE WEEK" Presentations Developing advanced spacecraft avionics and scientific instruments for unmanned space missions is a particularly challenging endeavor that requires solutions accommodating many conflicting design constraints including: - State-of-the-art technologies for data, signal, and image processing, - High-reliability hardware and software requirements, - Long-duration missions involving dormant and operational periods, - Extreme physical, electromagnetic, and radiation environments, - Size, weight, and power limitations, - High Technology Readiness Level (TRL) designs, and - Proven flight heritage. The purpose of this lecture is to discuss these design considerations, illustrated by several examples from past and current unmanned space missions. Speaker(s): Walt, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/319543