Wichita Section student awarded at PES General Meeting 2024

Mary Peterson, who is a student at Wichita State University, was awarded third place in the Student Research Competition during the 2024 IEEE PES General Meeting. She presented the poster as part of her paper ‘Equity Impacts of Solar System Investment in Rural Areas‘ accepted …

IEEE Wichita Section Awards for Open House 2024

Wichita State University College of Engineering held its annual Engineering Open House on the 3rd of May, where senior engineering students presented their projects to a wide range of audience including evaluators from industry. IEEE Wichita section co-sponsored with Sunflower Electric Power Corporation presented awards …

Wichita Section students register strong presence in IEEE GreenTech Conference and R5 Student Competitions 2024

IEEE Green Technologies conference and R5 student competitions 2024 were held between the 3rd-7th of April at Springdale, Arkansas. A large number of students from Wichita Section took part in both events this year.
In the Green Technologies conference, four papers were published and presented at …

Wichita Section Officer Mark Hunter receives the IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award

IEEE Wichita Section officer and the chair for the current term, Mr. Mark Hunter has been selected to receive the the IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award for 2023. The award is honors individuals within Region 5 for their outstanding achievements during the preceding …

Wichita Section co-sponsors Circuit Design Competition at WSU

IEEE Wichita Section co-sponsored the first ever Circuit Design Competition held in the Wichita State University yesterday. The competition required groups of two undergraduate engineering students to solve a circuit design problem within given time limits, and explain their work. Wichita Section officers Rodger Graham …

Wichita Section Officer Dr. Arun receives WCES 2024 Outstanding Young Engineer Award

The annual banquet event of the Wichita Council of Engineering Societies (WCES) was held on the 22nd of February.

Dr. Arun-Kaarthick Manoharan, who serves as the Director of Student Activities at the IEEE Wichita Section, received the ‘2024 Outstanding Young Engineer’ Award. We congratulate Dr. Arun …

IEEE Wichita Section Awards for Fall Engineering Open House 2023

Wichita State University College of Engineering held its Engineering Open House for the fall semester on the 9th of December, where students enrolled in the senior design program are given an opportunity to present their work to academics as well as people from the industry. …

Wichita Section Holiday Banquet 2023 and Undergraduate Poster Competition

The annual holiday banquet event of the Wichita section was held on the 28th of November.

Dr. Visvakumar Aravinthan, who is an Associate Professor and Department Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Wichita State University, gave a presentation titled ‘(Re)branding Electrical and Computer …

Wichita Section student wins Best Undergraduate Paper Award at NAPS 2023

The 55th Annual North American Power Symposium (NAPS) conference was held at Asheville, North Carolina between 15-18th of October. Mary Peterson, who is pursuing BS in Electrical Engineering at Wichita State University, presented her work titled “Economic and Reliability Impacts of Combined Solar and Battery …

IEEE Wichita Section Awards for Engineering Open House

Wichita State University College of Engineering held its annual Engineering Open House on the 5th of May, where senior design students present their projects to academics as well as people from the industry. IEEE Wichita section along with Sunflower Electric Power Corporation presented awards to …

Wichita Section student wins Region 5 Outstanding Student Award

Mary Peterson, who is pursuing BS in Electrical Engineering at Wichita State University, received the IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Student award for the year 2023 at the Annual Awards held on the 22nd of April. She has previously won the Region 5 North Area student …

Wichita Section student wins Best Presentation award at GreenTech 2023

Sarangan Rajendran, IEEE graduate student member from Wichita Section, received the Best Presentation award at the 2023 IEEE Green Technologies conference. He presented his paper titled ‘Valuing DER Location based on the Impact on Transmission Network: A Planning Tool’ as part of the ‘Distributed Energy …

Wichita Section Officer Mark Hunter receives WCES 2023 Engineering Service Award

Mr. Mark Hunter, IEEE senior member, who serves as a section officer and current treasurer of IEEE Wichita Section, received the Wichita Council of Engineering Services (WCES) Engineering service award for the year 2023 at the WCES annual banquet.

IEEE R5 – North Area – Student Poster Competition 2023 Winners

The following two undergraduate students from Wichita State University have been placed 1st and 2nd respectively in the recently concluded Region 5 – North Area student poster competitions.

1st – Mary Peterson, IEEE student member

2nd – Olivia O’Reilly, IEEE student member

They will now have the opportunity …