New IEEE Women in Engineering Video Released
Do you want more women to become engineers? One way to encourage more women to become engineers is to engage successful women engineers in a conversation and learn more about them. They will tell you how they chose to study engineering and how their engineering careers helped contribute to their success.
The Women in Engineering (WIE) group in IEEE took on the project of creating a video to show young women these interviews. Some of the IEEE WIE members tell their personal story of choosing to become an engineer. Other WIE members address some of the misconceptions about engineering. Some of the women discuss some of the challenges they faced. Others talk about the value of their engineering careers and contribution to their leadership success. There are women represented from all over the world with a variety of engineering careers. Watch this video to see what one of our own Region 5 members has to say. You can find the link on our WIE page.
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists.