Reimbursement Process (effective 1.1.2020):
As of January 1, 2020, Region 5 has transitioned to IEEE’s implementation of a web-based volunteer expense reimbursement reporting system driven by SAP’s Concur application. Any request for reimbursement from Region 5 must use this process unless specific exceptions are granted in advance by the Region Director.
Effective immediately, the use of Region 5 specific documentation, namely the Funding Request Form and the Mileage Worksheet, is suspended for travel reimbursements until further notice.
The emphasis from IEEE Financial is to eliminate check writing whenever possible. In this regard, volunteers are encouraged to contact the Region 5 Treasurer to arrange for payment to vendors for non-travel related items such as orders for supplies, plaques, services, etc.
The Concur application is available through the IEEE web site under Expense Report. Here are some useful resources:
For assistance with travel arrangements, the IEEE Travel Program, World Travel, Inc. (html) is available for your use.