Google Apps at IEEE
You may have heard me mention IEEE’s offering of Google Apps the past few months and some of you may even have volunteered to be part of the pilot program. If you are part of the pilot, let me (r5webmaster at know. I’d love to hear from other R5 participants. If this is all new to you, here’s what is coming in the next few days and weeks.
In an effort to provide an improved member experience, IEEE is preparing to launch a new member benefit: GoogleApps@IEEE. The first step in the process is to upgrade the current IEEE e-mail alias service starting on 15 May 2013. As part of these first steps, members with an alias will not have the ability to alter their forwarding setting for a few weeks. Also, there will be no new aliases created during this period.
We wanted to provide a courtesy update to members as we recommend they make any necessary changes to their forwarding address prior to 14 May. A communication to active members with an alias will be launched on 1 and 7 May. A preview of these messages are available online.
In the coming weeks we will provide additional support materials for Volunteers regarding GoogleApps@IEEE. Please look for subsequent messages.For more information about GoogleApps@IEEE and the products that will be rolled out please visit the IEEE Support Center.