IEEE Pikes Peak Life Member Affinity Group Formed
David Bondurant, 2019 Chair
During 2018, Russell Theisen, a Life Senior member from Colorado Springs, CO
collected the required signatures from the area to organize a formal Pikes Peak Life
Member Affinity Group, which will cover the entire Southern part of the state of
Our group was approved and our first organization meeting was held on June 5. Scott
Atkinson, Life Member Coordinator Region 5, kicked off the first meeting of 12
members and provided an overview of the Life Member organization and typical
activities. The attendees each introduced themselves to each other as a means of
Our second meeting was held on October 18 with 16 members in attendance from the
138 potential attendees in the area. Again, the focus of this meeting was networking
among the attendees.
David Bondurant, a Life Senior member from Colorado Springs, CO has volunteered as
2019 chair and is current organizing the first meeting expected in April. He will be
solicit other members to fill out the organization chart and help plan a schedule of
meetings for the coming year.