R5 April Newsletter
The Region 5 Community Connector Newsletter Promoting activities, information, and news to the membership |
April 2023
Membership Contacts: |
Hunter J Boudreaux – East Area Chair
Maciej J Zawodniok– North Area Chair
Christopher B Sanderson– South Area Chair
Faye Kann– West Area Chair
R5 EXCOM Roster can be viewed here: https://rosters.ieee.org/home.html
R5 EXCOM Meetings |
- January 29, 2022 Winter Meeting files are in Collabratec: @ https://ieee-collabratec.ieee.org/app/community/1314/IEEE-Region-5/files.
- September 16-18, 2022 Fall Meeting in Lubbock, TX (Virtual All / In Person by invitation) Meeting files pending
The R5 Fall EXCOM meeting was hosted at Texas Tech University and was organized by Dr. Bilbao and Dr. Gale. Dr. Bilbao hosted the tour of Texas Tech University Global Laboratory for Energy Asset Management and Manufacturing (GLEAMM) facility https://www.depts.ttu.edu/gleamm/
- IEEE Region 5 2023 Winter EXCOM Meeting and Audit Committee Meetings: The meeting was held on Friday Jan 27 – Sunday Jan 29, 2023 at Courtyard Marriott Springfield Airport, 3527 W Kearney Street, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65803.ExCOM recommended Christopher Sanderson and Kenneth Rice for the R5 Director-Elect Candidates. There could still be a petition candidate, thus, this is not the final candidates slate for the Director-Elect position. Stay tuned for more information in subsequent newsletter issues.
EXCOM Group Picture above EXCOM During meeting session
Audit Committee |
- Treasurer: Paul Cassingham.
- Audit Committee Chair, 4th Year: William Wylie (North) Billwylie@ieee.org
- Audit Committee, 3rd Year: Silke Spiesshoefer (East) Silke_Spiesshoefer@ieee.org
- Audit Committee, 2nd Year: Ernest X Njouondo (South) njouondo@ieee.org
- Audit Committee, 1st Year: Patterson, Tristan Hunter (West) tristanpatterson10@hotmail.com
POC: Director Bob Becnel bob.becnel@ieee.org
Spotlight |
Helping Others through IEEE
Contribution of Yvonne B. Gray
Yvonne B. Gray, has been in IEEE since 2014 and an active member of the Denver Section, volunteering for numerous activities including the Denver Section Executive Committee. Since 2017, Yvonne has been an officer in Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS) and is currently the chair of the Denver-High Plains Joint chapter AESS – SPS. Additionally, she represents AESS on the IEEE Nanotechnology Council’s Advisory Committee since 2021. Yvonne has been involved in planning and executing many of the special events such as building up membership in the AESS society, bringing in young leaders, mentoring them and the Denver big event activities including the presentations and member picnic.
In February 2023, Yvonne was honored to present at the AESS celebration of chapter officers from across the US and Canada for a day of leadership best practices and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the society. “Getting to collaborate with industry and academic leaders for the advancement of technological innovation and the benefit of society is an honor and pleasure. Basically, it’s a lot of fun!”, said Yvonne.
Working with IEEE USA, Yvonne has facilitated the meetings with members of the Denver Section for the Congressional Visits Day (CVD) for the past several years. With COVID, the platform for CVD has been virtual. In 2023, Yvonne will travel to Washington, DC to attend in person on April 5.
Since 1994, Yvonne is President of Gray’s Consulting Services as an Executive Consultant, proposing and implementing improvements regarding organizational: leadership, data collection, case reporting, change management and program development. Yvonne has worked in many research sectors to include but not limited to: optics, nano-photonics, aerospace, meteorology and women’s studies. She has enjoyed the variety of research specific hardware use such as: spectrum analyzers (microwave and optical), signal generators (microwave, AC/DC), lasers (HeNe, SLEDs), micro-positioners, CCT, stereo microscope, optical bench instrumentation for testing and development, strain gage, thermocouples, air pressure sensors, electronics work, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), large experimental wind tunnel and more. Yvonne also provides leading team building, assessing current organizational structure/culture, creating goals and objective (personal and organizational), SWOT analysis, creating mission statements, steps to organizational planning, communication for groups and individuals, maneuvering the cultural divide, team building, and leading organizational strategies by changing infrastructure and organizational models for different groups.
In her spare time, Yvonne also volunteers with the Dakota Ridge Robotics Club for students who are in 9-12 grades which is partially supported by the IEEE Denver Section. The team has participated for several years and competed in March in Denver. IEEE volunteers and Life Members are encouraged to attend team build nights. The team has been invited to the 2023 Region 5 Annual Meeting in April to display their robot and activities in Denver.
Congratulations to Christopher Sanderson: Technologist of The Year Award Winner
Christopher Sanderson was named technologist of the year by National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).
Christopher organized several joint IEEE/NSBE Webinars and technical workshops, he continue to serve as mentor and role model to many young engineers.
Congratulations for a well deserved award.
IEEE Denver Young Professionals (YP) Making Positive Impact!
IEEE Denver Young Professionals (YP) Affinity Group successfully hosted their first event in March 2023. The group aims to foster a community through engaging contents and events that are relevant to the needs of young professionals in electrical engineering.
The meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by all attendees over an extensive spread of Korean streetfood at the newly opened CoArk Collective Food Hall. The officers started the meeting by sharing their experiences and lessons learned from the IEEE Rising Stars Conference, where the group founders (Nur Umar, Hassaan Idrees, and Kumaran Selvanayagam) met. They then introduced the group mission and events in the works, followed by a lively discussion of audience feedback and what they as young professionals would like to see in the future.
The group is very thankful for the support and sponsorship they received from IEEE Denver Section, IEEE PES Denver, and SR3 Engineering for their first event and the development of the group.
A monthly event in the planning is Engineer Eats, a foodie adventure at top Denver restaurants while having a round table discussion about different topics that are of interest to young professionals. The topics range from career development dilemmas to newest technologies such as ChatGPT. Joined by a few experts on the topics to share their insights, young professionals will also have the opportunity to bounce ideas and opinions off each other.
They are also planning a speaker event in September where seasoned engineers will sharetheir experiences (including mistakes or failures!) and how they turn the setbacks into opportunities for growth.
The group is very much welcoming all the support and help they can get, whether it is in the form of volunteer involvements, sponsorship, guidance, or co-hosting opportunities. The chair,Nur Umar, can be contacted by yp@ieee-denver.org
Membership Development |
New to the IEEE OR want to find out more about the benefits of your IEEE membership?
The IEEE has developed a website, www.ieee.org/start , specifically to support new IEEE members in navigating though the IEEE. Along with the information on the site, IEEE has created a new member orientation video for you to watch at your convenience. Additionally, at the same URL is a starting point for many of the IEEE membership benefits.
If you are a new member to IEEE OR just want to refresh yourself on the GREAT benefits the IEEE offers to its members, check out the site and the orientation.
Not an IEEE member and have been waiting to join?
Join now with ½ year dues! Join IEEE and receive 10 months of membership for the price of six. If you have been away from IEEE for more than a year, you can re-join for half price!
Not sure if you’ve renewed for 2023, please go to www.ieee.org/renew or call the IEEE Contact Center at 1 800 678-4333.
Did you know about IEEE – IEEE.TV
The IEEE provides an internet-based television network where IEEE member generated special-interest programming about technology and engineering is provided. There are public programs available and an extensive set of members’ only programs. Check the most viewed programs at www.ieee.tv
Joe Redfield Region 5, Membership Development Chair J.Redfield@ieee.org 210-744-2968
R5 Conferences, Webinars and Professional Activities |
Joint IEEE Pikes Peak – Denver LMAG Meeting at Space Foundation Discovery Center
The joint Pikes Peak – Denver LMAG meeting was held at the Space Foundation Discovery Center in Colorado Springs, CO. Twenty Life Members attended a lunch meeting held in General James E. Hill Conference Room.
The conference room was named for the Commander of NORAD, the North America Air Defense Command. The Life Members introduced themselves while sandwiches from Panera were served. A technical presentation by Al Schaffer of Pike Peak LMAG described the Ames Power Station, the First High Voltage Alternating Current Transmission Anywhere. The Ames Power Station is located near Telluride, CO and was constructed in 1891. It used hydropower to drive a AC generator from Westinghouse Electric using Tesla patents. The AC generator drove 2.6 mile power line operating at 3KV to the Gold Hill mine processing and stamping facilities. Following the presentation, the group toured the Space Foundation Discovery Center which documents the history of Space flight.
Provided by David Bondurant, Jim Sipes, Owen Herman
DRHS Team #1799 Wired Up! WINS Regional Competition
By Christopher Gray, DRHS Robotics Coach
Congratulations to the Dakota Ridge High School (DRHS) robotics team for winning the Colorado Regional FIRST Robotics Competition held this past week at the University of Denver. The alliance of 3 teams Wired Up! From DRHS and the undefeated teams of Anglebotics from East High School and The Highlanders from Fort Collins, went undefeated in the finals to win first place and earn a spot to compete at the World Championship next month in Houston, Texas.
Forty-four teams from Colorado, five other states, and one team from the Netherlands competed in the Magness Arena of the Ritchie Center in this year’s competition “Charged Up”. Each team of high school students, with the help of their industry mentors, creates their 125-pound robot from parts and materials costing over $4,000 each. Our sponsors (DL Engineering, Comcast, IEEE Denver Section, Lockheed Martin and Wild Ideas Light Company) provided the funds needed for our registration, parts, materials, banners and shirts. Our team clocked over a hundred hours of meetings last semester training the students and over 160 hours(after school & weekends) in the last three months designing, building, programming and testing their robot. Teachers: Christopher Gray and Andy Bell volunteered their time to host all of these meetings and coordinate the mentors, finances, logistics and team organization. FIRST Robotics Competition is the perfect educational opportunity for our students to complement their learning in the Engineering, Computer Science, & STEM programs at DRHS.
As the team developed their strategy and design at the beginning of January, they settled on the goal of being a “Support” robot. The robot was made to be small and powerful so that it could consistently balance on the tilting Charge Station with two other robots. The team practiced quickly delivering game pieces for our partners to place in scoring positions and made sure the robot was strong and stable so it could not be pushed or tipped over. While only rising to the rank of 27th place in the qualifying rounds, the design and abilities were recognized by many of the top teams as what they needed in their alliance for the finals. The students and robot carried out the plan and strategy flawlessly. In each of the final matches they delivered game pieces defensively slowing down the opponents and consistently balanced with alliance partners before the time ran out. Next month in Houston, TX, they will find out if this strategy will work as well when competing with the best robot teams from around the world.
DRHS, has had an active FRC team since 2006 but has never performed as well as they have this year. The twelve-student team is led by senior Tori F., whose dedication and love of STEM, FIRST Robotics and helping others won her the prestigious Dean’s List Finalist award at last year’s competition. Her energy and vision drove the team to new heights by motivating, focusing, and guiding the other students, including several new freshmen and sophomore members. No experience is needed for students to join the robotics team, they are taught and given hands-on experience so that they each can be active team contributors. At the competition she led the drive team on the field, coordinated with leaders from other teams, and represented the DRHS team in discussions with inspectors, judges, and officials. Veteran team members Kesler R., Joe L., and Mason E. will have big shoes to fill as they take on this leadership responsibility next year.
Each student team member is given leadership opportunities and responsibility as they specialize in the many skill sets needed on a successful team. Senior Nick W. leads the fabrication team, making sure that custom parts are made and assembled into the robot as design and on schedule. Junior Mason E. served as the lead designer this year, developing, and maintaining our 3D computer model of the design from conception to completion. Junior Joe L. was elected to be the Lead Programmer for the team this year, making sure the code is written, tested, and stored, ready for competition. Junior Kesler R. coordinated all driver practice and increased his ability to program the robot and served as technician on the drive team at the competition. Sophomore Grayson F. set-up and operated the CNC Router to cut all custom designed aluminum and polycarbonate parts for the robot. He also served as co-pilot of the robot for all matches at the regional competition. Sophomore James B. has been pit manager and safety captain this year, making sure tools and hardware are organized and available. Freshman Jace J. made sure all gearboxes and mechanical systems were assembled correctly and as pilot, drove the robot in the competition. Keaden A., developed his skills in marking and drill pressing accurate holes in aluminum and steel, serving as tools specialist in the pit. Connor O., learned how to properly crimp connectors onto wires and served as spirit captain during the competition. Owen F. joined the team last fall and has focused on learning to program the robot. Shaun G. became our team’s lead on pneumatics as he designed and assembled the compressed air systems on the robot.
Regardless of our results at the FIRST World Championship, the DRHS team hopes to grow the team next year so that more students can benefit from this great experience. No experience needed to join, but it is a significant time commitment. As any of the current team members will tell you, participating in FIRST Robotics is well worth their time.
Visit 2023 Hermes’ Crate @
Teachers: Christopher Gray and Andy Bell
Mentors: Brian Arneson, Russell Dame, Nadine Dame, Gabe DeSilva, Yvonne Gray and Daniel LeMier, Ian Osborn, Emma Sonnier
Students: Tori F., Nick W., Mason E., Joe L., Kesler R., James B., Grayson F., Owen F., Shaun G., Connor O., Keaden A., and Jace J.
IEEE Denver Section Power and Energy Society (PES)
The March meeting of the IEEE Denver Section Power and Energy Society (PES) was held at Crooked Stave Artesian Beer for a social meet up which was enjoyed by all. An informative tour of Crooked Stave provided information on the making and bottling of artisan beer. Owner and brew master, Chad Yakobson, wrote his Master’s thesis on Brettanomyces yeast species, and their use in the brewing industry which is published as an open-source website to provide a greater understanding of Brettanomyces yeasts for brewers. There is also a location in Ft. Collins. The Denver PES group was also active in the 2022 PES annual conference held in Denver, CO last summer. Faye Kann, Region 5 West Area Chair attended along with Yvonne Gray, AESS/SPS Chapter Chair and her husband, Chris Gray, who is the coach for the Dakota Ridge Robotics Club. GC Leone, Chair of the Denver PES Chapter, is pictured in the middle of the group and is the owner of SR3 Engineering in Denver. As you can see from the picture, everyone enjoyed themselves at this event
2023 Region 5 Annual Meeting and Student Competitions on Friday April 21,22 & 23
IEEE Region 5 Annual Business Meeting will be held at the Hyatt RegencyAurora-Denver Conference Center, 13200 E. 14th,Aurora, CO 80011.
The website is https://r5conferences.org/

R5 Sections and Formation Date |
Section | Date | |
1 | Arkansas River Valley | June 20, 1994 |
2 | Arkansas | April 23, 1947 |
3 | Baton Rouge | February 5, 1955 |
4 | Beaumont | June 27, 1945 |
5 | Central Texas | May 23, 1930 |
6 | Corpus Christi | October 25, 1951 |
7 | Dallas | March 18, 1928 |
8 | Denver | May 18, 1915 |
9 | El Paso | March 7, 1940 |
10 | Fort Worth | January 5, 1956 |
11 | Galveston Bay | January 1, 1980 |
12 | High Plains | February 13, 2010 |
13 | Houston | August 7, 1928 |
14 | Kansas City | April 4, 1916 |
15 | Lafayette | November 11, 1970 |
16 | Lone Star | November 23, 2019 |
17 | New Orleans | December 8, 1933 |
18 | Oklahoma City | February 16, 1922 |
19 | Ozark | April 20, 1966 |
20 | Panhandle | June 12, 1947 |
21 | Pikes Peak | May 22, 1978 |
22 | Saint Louis | January 14, 1903 |
23 | Shreveport | January 14, 1903 |
24 | South Plains | May 4, 1955 |
25 | Southwest Missouri | February 14, 2009 |
26 | Tulsa | October 1, 1937 |
27 | Wichita | September 16, 1937 |

By Susan Kathy Land, Chair, 2023 IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee
Volunteers are needed to serve as corporate officers, committee chairs, and members.
IEEE depends on volunteer members for many things, including editing IEEE publications, organizing conferences, coordinating regional and local activities, authoring standards publications, leading educational activities, and identifying individuals for IEEE recognitions and awards.
The Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is responsible for developing recommendations to the Board of Directors and the IEEE Assembly on staffing many volunteer positions, including candidates for president-elect and corporate officers. Accordingly, the N&A Committee is seeking nominees for the following positions:
2025 IEEE President-Elect (who will serve as President in 2026)
2024 IEEE Corporate Officers
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President, Educational Activities
- Vice President, Publication Services and Products
2024 IEEE Committees (chairs and members)
- Audit
- Awards Board
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Election Oversight
- Employee Benefits and Compensation
- Ethics and Member Conduct
- European Public Policy
- Fellow
- Global Public Policy
- Governance
- History
- Humanitarian Technologies Board
- Industry Engagement
- New Initiatives
- Nominations and Appointments
- Public Visibility
- Strategy and Alignment
- Tellers
Nominate a Colleague
- March 15 – Vice President and Chair positions
- June 15 – All other positions
Submit Biographies/Self Nominations
- March 30 – Vice President and Chair positions
- June 30 – All other positions
Anyone may submit a nomination; nominators need not be IEEE members but must meet specific qualifications. Self-nominations are encouraged. An IEEE organizational unit may submit recommendations endorsed by its governing body or the body’s designee.
A person may be nominated for more than one position. Nominators need not contact their nominees before submitting the form. The IEEE Nominations & Appointments Committee will only contact eligible nominees for their interest and willingness to serve.
For more details about position eligibility and the time commitment of the positions, check the Guidelines for Nominating Candidates. To nominate a person for a position, complete the form.
- Check the eligibility requirements at the N&A Committee websitebefore submitting a nomination.
- Volunteers with relevant prior experience in lower-level IEEE committees and units are recommended by the committee more often than volunteers without such experience.
- Individuals recommended for president-elect, and corporate officer positions are more likely to be recommended if they possess a strong track record of leadership and relevant accomplishments within and outside IEEE.
- Recommended candidates often have significant prior experience as members of IEEE boards and standing committees.
More information about the duties associated with the different positions, qualifications, and eligibility requisites (such as prior service in certain positions or IEEE grade) can be found in the Guidelines for Nominating Candidates.
For more information, please contact Yerjeny Diaz Committee & Program Administrator IEEE Corporate – Corporate Governance
732-465-6648 y.diaz@ieee.org
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