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The Region 5 Community Connector

Newsletter Promoting activities, information, and news to the membership

September 2023

    Membership Contacts:

Hunter J Boudreaux – East Area Chair

Maciej J Zawodniok– North Area Chair

Christopher B Sanderson– South Area Chair

Faye Kann– West Area Chair

R5 EXCOM Roster can be viewed here: https://rosters.ieee.org/home.html

    R5 EXCOM Meetings 

The R5 Fall EXCOM meeting was hosted at Texas Tech University and was organized by Dr. Bilbao and Dr. Gale. Dr. Bilbao hosted the tour of Texas Tech University Global Laboratory for Energy Asset Management and Manufacturing (GLEAMM) facility https://www.depts.ttu.edu/gleamm/

  • IEEE Region 5 2023 Winter EXCOM Meeting and Audit Committee Meetings: The meeting was held on Friday Jan 27 – Sunday Jan 29, 2023 at Courtyard Marriott Springfield Airport, 3527 W Kearney Street, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65803.ExCOM recommended Christopher Sanderson and Kenneth Rice for the R5 Director-Elect Candidates. There could still be a petition candidate, thus, this is not the final candidates slate for the Director-Elect position.
  • 2023 Region 5 Annual Meeting and Student Competitions was held on Friday April 21,22 & 23 at the Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center, 13200 E. 14th, Aurora, CO 80011. More meeting details and highlight coming soon.
  •  Summary of the recent IEEE board meetings:– Coming soon….

    Audit Committee 

2023 Audit Committee
  1. Treasurer: Paul Cassingham.
  2. Audit Committee Chair, 4th Year: William Wylie (North) Billwylie@ieee.org
  3. Audit Committee, 3rd Year: Silke Spiesshoefer (East) Silke_Spiesshoefer@ieee.org
  4. Audit Committee, 2nd Year: Ernest X Njouondo (South) njouondo@ieee.org
  5. Audit Committee, 1st Year: Patterson, Tristan Hunter (West) tristanpatterson10@hotmail.com

POC: Director Bob Becnel bob.becnel@ie

    IEEE Candidates Forum 

Meet the IEEE candidates.  
The voting membership of IEEE annually elect officers that serve on the top-tier IEEE governing bodies.  The 2023 IEEE Annual Election runs from 15-Aug through 2-October.  For more information on the open positions, candidates, and the overall election process see the IEEE Annual Election webpage. IEEE’s strength come from having strong volunteer leadership, with the support of all of our members.  To support member engagement in these important elections, Region 5 will be hosing three IEEE Candidate Forums, one each, for the following positions.

The R5-hosted IEEE PE candidates event on 11 July is now available on IEEE.tv
Below is the direct link to the program:

Members can find the program on IEEE.tv and also on the PE candidates’ home page ieee.org/pe24

For any question, please contact: Carrie Loh c.loh@ieee.org

Recorded Candidtates Forum:

Director-Elect https://ieeetv.ieee.org/video/ieee-region-5-ieee-region-5-delegate-elect-director-elect-candidates-forum

IEEE-USA https://ieeetv.ieee.org/video/ieee-region-5-ieee-usa-president-elect-candidates-forum

IEEE https://ieeetv.ieee.org/video/ieee-region-5-ieee-president-elect-candidates-forum-0 


Denver Section’s BBQ Event
On Saturday, July 22, the IEEE Denver Section hosted a barbeque at Jefferson Park, on a very warm and sunny day! The turnout was great – we had about 35 members and guests show up. What’s more, we had great representation from some of the local societies and affinity groups – AESS/SPS, Life Members, and Young Professionals showed up in full support.

The benefit of this activity was to bring more people together to create connections that otherwise would not have happened through virtual meetings. We shared upcoming events, celebrated recent Senior Member upgrades, and discussed industry trends that are impacting the work we do collectively.

People shared many good ideas for future events and ways to make the Denver Section better, and we got to enjoy some delicious barbeque during the process.

Contributed by Sarah Beckman Sarah.Beckman@Ulteig.com

   2023 IEEE Sections Congress & IEEE Convene Conference Highlights
Region 5 hosted Orientation/Networking meeting on Friday, August 11.

The presentations for the Breakout Sessions for Sections Congress 2023 are now available in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence.  https://ieee-elearning.org/ . Under the banner for the CLE are four blocks, with the block on the right being a link to the Sections Congress Library. At that link click on the SC2023 event and you’ll be taken to the page for SC2023 (or just click here:  https://ieee-elearning.org/mod/page/view.php?id=2534 )

Note: The General Sessions and Ignite Sessions as well as recordings are not yet available.


For more information, please contact j.reinert@ieee.org

Region 5 Delegates at the SC2023 in pictures
The above 3 pictures: R5 Orientation
Fawzi and Bob’s HKN Induction
Above: Bob with friends

Region 5 was well represented by emerging leaders. The group met with IEEE President Saifur Rahman to discuss strategies. Above picture: Starting with the back row is Jeff Hardy, Hunter Boudreaux, Colleen Bailey, Saifur Rahman, and Matt Francis. Second row is Arthur Depoian, Faye Kann, Amardeep Kaur. In the front row is Christopher Sanderson, Prasenjit Shil, MSKumaran. 


Above picture at the opening ceremony/dinner: Starting on the right side of the table with John Reinert, SC2023 coordinator; Faye Kann, West Area Chair; Kris Waage, High Plains Section Chair; MS Kurmaran, High Plains member and sponsored by Denver Section; and Gene Freeman, Pikes Peak Vice Chair.


During a networking break, R5 leadership visited with Chris Wright at the IEEE Foundation booth. Matt Francis, Faye Kann, and Jim Look were learning more about the IEEE Foundation 50th Anniversary Celebration and focused activities supported by donations including the MOVE truck designated for our region.

IEEE Convene conference attendees.

Jim Sipes, Past Denver Section Chair, was selected by Region 5 leadership to attend IEEE Convene conference in Panama City, Panama during August 2023. Fawzi Behmann from Region 5 was also in attendance.

Above: Jim Sipes and Tom Coughlin meet at IEEE Convene

Above: Jim Sipes and Fawzi Behmann at IEEE Convene

IEEE Convene is an annual invitation-only event that brings together thought leaders and decision-makers to address conference leadership practices, discuss challenges in the conference landscape, envision the future, and launch new conference initiatives. IEEE Convene has dedicated tracks for IEEE conference organizers and conference leadership. Be inspired by unparalleled learning and thought-provoking and insightful sessions that will provide a real advantage to your conference planning and help shape the future of conferences. IEEE Convene attendees represent more than 30 countries on six of the seven continents.

    Membership Development

Annual IEEE Election – VOTE…VOTE….VOTE

Annual Election Process Has Begun: Look for your annual election ballot package to have arrived in August or by early September. All members eligible to vote will receive a paper ballot and a postage-paid reply envelope via first-class mail. Included is information about how to vote electronically. VOTE NOW AT www.ieee.org/election.

Not an IEEE Member?

Join IEEE today and get 16 months of membership for the price of 12.  That’s right signup today and renewals will be deferred till the end of 2024.  Checkout the updated benefits of being an IEEE member at www.ieee.org/membership

Did you know about IEEE – eLearning Library 

Did You Know – 

The IEEE has created an IEEE eLearning Library, the premier online collection of short courses and conference workshops.  Login with your IEEE login and view many recorded webinars and training tutorials.  Login as a guest and see public content.  Current eLearning Course Topics.

  • Power and Energy
  • Automotive
  • Telecommunications
  • Cyber Security
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud and Edge Computing
  • Blockchain
  • Photonics
  • And lots more!

·       Check these and others out at www.ieee.org/elearning

 IEEE Member Benefits Finder

Uncover IEEE member benefits that are most relevant to you. Use the Global Benefits finder below to select your current career phase, then select “Go.” Your results page will render a list of key IEEE member benefits that can help you accelerate your career plans and help you grow as a technology professional.  Whether you are a long time IEEE member, a student, or have just joined IEEE as a higher-grade member you’ll learn of member benefits you probably didn’t know you had!

Go to IEEE Member Benefits and check it out!

For more information, please contact Joe Redfield Region 5 Membership Development Chair: J.Redfield@ieee.org

    R5 Conferences, Webinars and Professional Activities
Region 5 Conference – ICC 2024 (Denver) June 9-13, 2024

The IEEE Denver Section is hosting the International Conference on Communications (ICC) which for 2024 which will take place in Denver Colorado (June 9-13, 2024).  ICC is one of the two IEEE ComSoc flagship conferences attracting a large number of contributors and attendants.  This year’s conference hosted 2000 attendees in Rome at ICC 2023


We invite you to submit a business, paper, workshop, tutorial proposal for consideration. See the attached Call for Papers (CFP) document.

CFPs for symposium, workshops and tutorials require technical papers that will be published in IEEE xPlore digital library.  Industry presentations, panels and workshops (not requiring publishing papers) will be solicited in the weeks ahead.

Given the convergence of computing and communication in our industry, we hope you will consider this opportunity and spread the word to your colleagues.

Access conference Weblinks: Symposium     Workshops    Tutorials

Photo attached is from this year’s program in Rome

 For any question, please contact Tim Weil – General Co-Chair – ICC 2024 (Denver)720.656.9572 (m) | 240.337-1305 (f)

Professional Activities
Region 5 makes funds available for the support of professional activities in IEEE R5 Sections, Chapters, and Student Branches. The funds are managed and distributed through the Region. To obtain funding, a Section, Chapter, or Student Branch must complete a Project Plan and Financing Request form, obtain supporting signatures, and file the form with the Region 5 PACE Coordinator. For R5 PACE Form (includes program details) and project ideas, https://r5.ieee.org/member-opportunities/professional-activities-pace/.
POC: Diane Collier pacechair@ieeer5.org.
    R5 Sections and Formation Date
Section Date
1 Arkansas River Valley June 20, 1994
2 Arkansas April 23, 1947
3 Baton Rouge February 5, 1955
4 Beaumont June 27, 1945
5 Central Texas May 23, 1930
6 Corpus Christi October 25, 1951
7 Dallas March 18, 1928
8 Denver May 18, 1915
9 El Paso March 7, 1940
10 Fort Worth January 5, 1956
11 Galveston Bay January 1, 1980
12 High Plains February 13, 2010
13 Houston August 7, 1928
14 Kansas City April 4, 1916
15 Lafayette November 11, 1970
16 Lone Star November 23, 2019
17 New Orleans December 8, 1933
18 Oklahoma City February 16, 1922
19 Ozark April 20, 1966
20 Panhandle June 12, 1947
21 Pikes Peak May 22, 1978
22 Saint Louis January 14, 1903
23 Shreveport January 14, 1903
24 South Plains May 4, 1955
25 Southwest Missouri February 14, 2009
26 Tulsa October 1, 1937
27 Wichita September 16, 1937

    IEEE USA News

Wanted:  Licensed volunteers to help with IEEE-USA and Region 5 Pilot for a PE Refresher

Region 5 is going to pilot a PE Refresher Pilot for IEEE-USA .  We have the opportunity to design and implement an exciting new and promising pilot for a program that IEEE-USA (Career and Professional Development ) and the MGA YP Committee are jointly creating. 

As part of the pilot, a few subjects will be introduced to members that sign up.  These subjects are, tentatively, DC/AC Circuit Analysis, Mathematics, Ethics, Economics and Power.  At this time, we have an open call for an instructor in these areas to help with preparing a 2 hour webex on one of the preferred topics by creating some summary material and problems on the topic.  The instructor will present the material on one evening and then be available to answer questions on the problems.  We are looking to recruit the team in September and start enrolling in October.  I will have an informational session in mid September with those that respond to this call.  Instructors should not be concurrently supporting NCEES on any exam writing efforts.  Instructors should be licensed within the US.

In addition we would be looking for a project manager that is passionate about licensing to help manage the project and expand it beyond the pilot.

This is a pilot, so the purpose is to fine tune the program and collect feedback.  The informational session will help clarify format a little bit more.  However you may call me at 314-941-7641 or email at bob.becnel@ieee.org.

The IEEE-USA Innovation Workforce and Research Conference

Join us in Little Rock from 13-15 September!

The IEEE-USA Innovation, Workforce, and Research Conference (IWRC) will bring together stakeholders from industry, government, and academia to meet, learn, talk, and discuss the CHIPS Act and other government programs which promote innovation and small business in rural America. 

Through the CHIPS Act last year, Congress allocated $56 Billion for chip manufacturing in the United States with a mandate that the government funding should be allocated throughout the United States. 

This three-day event begins with a reception Wednesday evening and runs through Friday afternoon, giving you an opportunity to meet potential partners from the U.S. federal agencies and learn more about how you can contribute to the Arkansas innovation ecosystem. 

Register now for special IEEE-USA rates! For more information about IWRC and why you should attend, please visit: https://iwrc.ieeeusa.org    


We are very short on drivers right now. We have had to turn down some deployments due to the lack of qualified/certified drivers. If you are at all interested, please contact me. Region 5 is anticipating an IEEE-USA MOVE Vehicle to be stationed within the Region in the near future. https://move.ieeeusa.org To prepare for the truck, R5 is working with the larger MOVE team to train volunteers to operate and drive the trucks. Two trucks already exist, stationed in San Diego and Raleigh. The trucks are primarily focused on supporting disasters across the US in coordination with the American Red Cross. The trucks are also used for various STEM events. There are many opportunities to volunteer, truck drivers/operators, radio team, truck maintenance team, weather team, STEM volunteer, media coordination, etc. If you are interested, take a look at the MOVE web site, click on “volunteer” and enter your information. Or, contact Gerry Ourada, gourada@ieee.org for assistance or questions.
Check out IEEE-USA Insight’s New Look IEEE USA have launched version 3.0 of our flagship publication IEEE-USA InSight, which covers career and public policy issues that are important to technology professionals.

    IEEE MGA News

Visit the Teaching Excellence Hub Today. teaching.ieee.org

    Frequent Links

The Full ExCom Roster can be viewed here: https://rosters.ieee.org/home.html
IEEE Region 5 https://r5.ieee.org/

The Newsletter is sent to all current members in Region 5

Newsletter Editor: Ademola Peter Adejokun
