The IEEE Region 5 awards for 2017 were announced at the April, 2018 Annual Meeting in Austin by Awards Chairman Diane Collier ( ). The awards were presented as follows:
Region 5 001 Outstanding Large Section >500 – Houston Section
Region 5 Outstanding Small Section 50 – TAMU
Region 5 Outstanding Small Student Branch 500 – Lockheed Martin
Region 5 Outstanding Small Company <500 – Black Hills Energy
Region 5 Lifetime Achievement – Theodore A. Bickart
Region 5 Outstanding Young Professional – Nathan Wallace
Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement – Michael F. Siok
Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement – Sira Rao
Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement – Richard Toftness
Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement – Matthew Francis
Region 5 Directors Award – Bob Becnel

Congratulations to all these awardees for a job well done!