Discover IEEE-USA

Room: 1.102, Bldg: 168, Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78238

What is IEEE-USA and am I a member? We'll provide an overview of the organization representing all US-based IEEE members. Not only that, there are many volunteer opportunities. Agenda: Lunch will be provided. Please register so that we may have the adequate number of meals. Non-SwRI attendees must register so we can provide names to the front gate. Room: 1.102, Bldg: 168, Southwest Research Institute, 6220 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78238

Advancing Grid Resilience: Grid-Forming Inverter-Based Resources and Emerging Standards


As more power systems are reaching very high shares of inverter-based resources (i.e., wind, solar, battery storage), new resources with advanced capabilities, termed grid forming (GFM), are becoming increasingly important. As a result, more system operators are defining performance and testing requirements for GFM IBRs and now projects are being built to these specifications. The webinar will provide some introduction to grid forming controls and introduce the latest developments with GFM specifications (including the most recent drafts from MISO, ERCOT, and ENTSO-E) and GFM projects. Co-sponsored by: University of California, Riverside Speaker(s): Dr. Julia Matevosyan, Virtual: