Texas State Legislative Visit Day
Bldg: Education Center, San Antonio Museum of Science & Technology, 5035 SW 36th St, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226A reception for Texas State Legislators in the Lone Star Section. Come and visit with your Texas State Senator or Representative at lunchtime on April 16 2025. Our event will be held at the Education Center of the San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology (SAMSAT), and will be devoted to discussing such items as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) issues, as well as those for technology infrastructure in the greater San Antonio area. Speaker(s): David Monroe, Walt Downing Agenda: 11:00 am Legislators arrive and welcomed 11:10 am Welcome by SAMSAT CEO (David Monroe) and Lone Star Section leadership 11:30 am Introductions and comments by legislators 12:00 pm Lunch is served 12:15 pm Breakout for discussions with appropriate legislators 12:45 pm Brief tour of SAMSAT Education Center 1:00 pm Adjourn Bldg: Education Center, San Antonio Museum of Science & Technology, 5035 SW 36th St, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78226