Week of Events
IEEE ExCom Meeting
Kickoff meeting for ExCom. Tentative Agenda: Introductions Financial reporting for 2024- Bob PSD for 2025 Region 5 Congress and Student Competitions in in Wichita, Kansas, March 28-30. Process for approving sponsoring requests from members New Initiatives Others ( please send other agenda items.) Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463516
Black Hills – Executive Committee Meeting (2025 Feb) via Zoom
Black Hills – Executive Committee Meeting (2025 Feb) via Zoom
Meeting for general administration and operation of the Black Hills Subsection. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/464034
A Digital Processor of RISC Variety Suitable for Architecture Exploration
A Digital Processor of RISC Variety Suitable for Architecture Exploration
Abstract: It is computer architecture of my design, of the RISC variety. It is an effort to achieve high code density, deterministic execution and a uniform base for diversity. The 16-bit instructions are now running on a FPGA board, with specifications for the 24 & 32-bit instructions written. The basic template is written and it is straightforward to add more instructions. That said, I would welcome help: do trade-off studies (resource utilization and performance) on each additional instruction. Assembler, compiler and other help is very much needed. As a sneak preview, the architecture supports four data sizes and four data types. Those interested can do experiments on: Different word sizes (16, 18, 24, 32, 36, 42 ...) Different data types (unsigned, two's complement, sign & magnitude, IEEE 754, POSIT, PT-floats, 16-bit fixed point logarithms ...) Different implementations (single cycle, pipelining, multiple issue, out-of-order … microarchitectures) BIO: Jim Brakefield became interested in computer architecture upon encountering the IBM 1620 and the CDC 1604 in his first semester of college. He went on to get degrees in Applied Math, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. His work experience was primarily real-time embedded software and circuit board design. As a second career he pursued FPGAs and VHDL. He has one patent and has given many talks on a variety of STEM topics. Room: BSIC 203, Bldg: Blank Sheppard Innovation Center (BSIC), which is behind Richter Math-Engineering Center (#22) in the map, One Camino Santa Maria, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78228
Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems
Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems
IEEE Magnetics Society Seminar Location: NIST, Boulder, 325 Broadway, Building 2, Room 2-0113 Date and Time: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 Refreshments provided at 10:00 AM Seminar starts at 10:30 AM Engineering quantum Hall magnets in topological moiré systems Prof. Dacen Waters Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Denver Strongly correlated and topological phases in condensed matter systems are at the cutting edge of fundamental physics studies, as well as being promising candidates for the next generation of technological capabilities like quantum computing. In recent years, a remarkable amount of progress has been made in creating and controlling such phases by introducing a small twist angle or lattice mismatch between two dimensional (2D) materials. These systems, called moiré systems, have facilitated the surprising discovery of strongly correlated phases where one might not expect them (e.g. superconductivity in “magic-angle” twisted bilayer graphene) or long-sought new physics (e.g. the fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect (FQAHE) in twisted MoTe2). However, much of the work in this rapidly developing field have focused on the case where the constituent 2D materials of the moiré system are monolayers, or at most bilayers. I will show that this restriction to one or two atomic layers is unnecessarily limiting. Surprising new phenomenology can be realized in graphitic moiré systems, where at least one component is three-layers or more. Most notably, we find that a new type of “moiré enabled” electron crystallization can occur that spontaneously breaks the moiré translational symmetry and has dissipationless edge modes, analogous to a topological version of a Wigner crystal. Our results suggest that these topological electron crystals 1) are at least somewhat common across multilayer graphene moiré systems, 2) can have uniquely tunable magnetization states, and 3) closely compete with the newly discovered FQAHE. Understanding this competition, as well as the novel phenomenology of the topological electron crystal phase, will be of fundamental interest in future studies of strongly correlated topological systems. Prof. Dacen Waters earned his bachelor’s degrees in physics and mechanical engineering from Arkansas Tech University. He then went on to get his PhD in physics at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Profs. Randy Feenstra and Ben Hunt. His PhD work focused on two-dimensional material and moiré systems using scanning tunneling microscopy. He then went on to be a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Matthew Yankowitz’s lab at the University of Washington, where he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. At the University of Washington, he utilized transport studies to investigate novel correlated and topological states in graphitic moiré systems. In Fall of 2024, he began as an Assistant Professor in the University of Denver Department of Physics and Astronomy. Join ZoomGov Meeting https://nist.zoomgov.com/j/1619827375?pwd=4E5AjJBOt04WVK0pNPwpYCI4v3B8mj.1 Meeting ID: 161 982 7375 Passcode: 068475 Speaker(s): , Dacen Waters Room: 2-0113, Bldg: Building 2, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469265
" Indian Aerospace Paradigm"
" Indian Aerospace Paradigm"
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025, 12:00 NOON US-Central TOPIC: " Indian Aerospace Paradigm" THIS IS A HYBRID EVENT SPEAKER: Dr Surendra Pal, Life-FIEEE, FNAE, FNASc, Former Vice Chancellor- Defence Institute of Advanced Technology- Pune(India), DRDO Dr. D.S Kothari Chair DG ECS Office Bangalore, Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, Senior Adviser- Satellite Navigation(ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Chairman GAGAN -PMB & Prog.Director Sat.-Navigation- URSC(ISAC)-ISRO] , IEEE Fellow PRESENTATION: India will celebrate 50 years after launching its first satellite, ARYBHATA. In the last 50 years, the progress in the aerospace arena, be design and fabrication of satellites, launchers, rockets, missiles or fighter aircraft along with applications in the domain of use of space technology for societal, security and defence has been exponential. Till now, India has launched >537 satellites and 100 satellite launchers. Satellites have been launched for various countries, including the USA, among other countries. The talk is about the journey of the last 50 years and the exponential progress made by India/ISRO and DRDO in the Aerospace Domain. HIMALAYAN TAJ RESTAURANT, Location:1425 NASA Parkway (next to Space Center Houston), Houston, Texas, United States, 77058, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469274
(HYBRID PRESENTATION ON) " Indian Aerospace Paradigm"
(HYBRID PRESENTATION ON) " Indian Aerospace Paradigm"
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025, 12:00 NOON US-Central TOPIC: " Indian Aerospace Paradigm" SPEAKER: Dr Surendra Pal, Life-FIEEE,FNAE,FNASc Former Vice Chancellor- Defence Institute of Advanced Technology- Pune(India), DRDO Dr. D.S Kothari Chair DG ECS Office Bangalore, Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, Senior Adviser- Satellite Navigation(ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Chairman GAGAN - PMB & Prog.Director Sat.-Navigation- URSC(ISAC)-ISRO] , IEEE Fellow Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, Senior Adviser- Satellite Navigation(ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Chairman GAGAN - PMB & Prog.Director Sat.-Navigation- URSC(ISAC)-ISRO] , IEEE Fellow PRESENTATION: India will celebrate 50 years after launching its first satellite, ARYBHATA. In the last 50 years, the progress in the aerospace arena, be design and fabrication of satellites, launchers, rockets, missiles or fighter aircraft along with applications in the domain of use of space technology for societal, security and defence has been exponential. Till now, India has launched >537 satellites and 100 satellite launchers. Satellites have been launched for various countries, including USA, among other countries. The talk is about the journey of the last 50 years and the exponential progress made by India/ISRO and DRDO in the Aerospace Domain. Speaker(s): Dr Pal, HIMALAYAN TAJ RESTAURANT, 1425 NASA Rd 1, Houston, Texas, United States, 77058, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468946
From Video to Virtual: Object-centric 3D scene understanding from videos
From Video to Virtual: Object-centric 3D scene understanding from videos
The growing demand for immersive, interactive experiences has underscored the importance of 3D data in understanding our surroundings. Traditional methods for capturing 3D data are often complex and equipment-intensive. In contrast, my research aims to utilize unconstrained videos, such as those from augmented reality glasses, to effortlessly capture scenes and objects in their full 3D complexity. As a first step, I will describe a method to incorporate Epipolar Geometry priors in multi-view Transformer models to enable identifying objects across extreme pose variations. Next, I will discuss my work "Contrastive Lift" on 3D object segmentation using 2D pre-trained foundation models, following which I will talk about addressing the same problem using language. Speaker(s): Yash Bhalgat Agenda: - Invited talk from Yash Bhalgat the final year PhD student at University of Oxford's Visual Geometry Group (VGG) supervised by Andrew Zisserman, Andrea Vedaldi, Joao Henriques and Iro Laina. - Q/A Session Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/468355
YP February Networking Social – Otaku Cafe
YP February Networking Social – Otaku Cafe
Join us for some games and networking at our February social at Otaku Cafe! There will be a selection of activities from playing the newest games in the market to enjoying the flavors of Japan! The event is open to interested and current YP members. We will begin arriving at 5:30pm and so will the games! For any questions, feel free to contact us or join our discord server for more info (invite link below, reach out if you would like an updated link). Discord invite, valid until February 25th, 2025: https://discord.gg/gcJCSH7U 7022 Bandera Rd, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78238
IEEE PI2 Austin, February 25, 2025 – Evolving Military Base Electric Power
IEEE PI2 Austin, February 25, 2025 – Evolving Military Base Electric Power
IEEE PI2 Austin, January 28, 2024, Tech Meeting In-Person 6 PM Central / 7 PM Eastern at Balcones Country Club: 8600 Balcones Dr. Austin, TX 78750 Abstract: The growth of electrification and of data centers has accelerated the demand for electric power reliability. For decades military bases have been 10 MW to 50 MW power systems whose continuous reliable operation is critical to US security. This has provided valuable experience at levels of power of today's microgrids. This talk highlights the challenges faced by the Department of Defense in ensuring power for critical infrastructure on military installations and its impact on mission accomplishment and national defense. Details: Dinner and soft beverages will be provided for those with reservations. If you do not have a reservation you will not be able to eat. Cost, to defray the room, dinner and refreshments cost: Thank you in advance: IF REGISTERED IN ADVANCE (Before February 18, 2025) Members and Non-Members: Select Register & Pay now, $25.00 Paypal from your credit card when registering - you do not need a Paypal account to use it. Click through to the credit card/debit page. OR Select Register Now and Pay Later and pay $25.00 cash or credit/debit with Square at the meeting. Please register in advance before February 18th (skip the payment) IEEE Student Members: Free (must register in advance before February 18th with your IEEE member number) Skip the payment All registrants After February 18th, 2025: Pay $30.00 at the the meeting in cash Attendees must be registered before the event for food accommodations. Unfortunately, we are charged more for the meals after the advance registration date For PDH hours, please email the PI2 Secretary, Charles Goertz at HaleyHirschfeld.org or [email protected]. Speaker(s): General Kenneth Eickmann, Bldg: Balcones Country Club, 8600 Balcones Club Dr., Austin, Texas, United States, 78750
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
[] Dr Kootsookos, IEEE Connecticut Section Chair. Dr Kootsookos will describe his career preparation. He will conduct a deep dive of his field as an expert in patent arbitration providing source code reviews. He is a teacher of telecommunications, signal & image processing, circuit analysis, digital hardware, and various software engineering courses at the University of New Haven, Fairfield University, Central Connecticut State University, and CT State Community College, Middlesex in the US and the Australian National University and University of Queensland in Australia. He is a Researcher: Signal processing research: more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing; Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery; Quality processes worked with: IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence). Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Dr. Peter James Kootsookos, PhD Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/456326
MOVE Tech Talk – Feb 2025 – Civil Air Patrol’s Capabilities
MOVE Tech Talk – Feb 2025 – Civil Air Patrol’s Capabilities
Civil Air Patrol Missouri Wing Commander, Jen Smith, along with MOWG Chief of Staff, Mike Toedebusch, will be delivering an in-depth presentation covering various aspects of the Civil Air Patrol’s capabilities. This presentation will explore how Civil Air Patrol and MOVE could collaborate during disaster response efforts, providing a coordinated and effective approach to emergency situations. Additionally, the session will highlight the opportunities available through the Cadet Program and the integration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives within CAP, showcasing the organization’s commitment to fostering future leaders and advancing critical skills. Co-sponsored by: IEEE-USA MOVE Program Speaker(s): Colonel Jen Smith, Lt Col Mike Toedebusch Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/463436
Toyota Tech Talk
Toyota Tech Talk
Welcome to our 2nd Tech Talk featuring Toyota, with special guest: Brian Inouye and Deepti Pradhan. They will go over what goes on as a Toyota Engineers Daily life and what technical skills are they looking for. Agenda: 12:50 PM - Pizza Time + Arrival Time 1:00 PM - Session Begins 1:50 PM - Q&A 2:00 PM - After talk session Room: 108, Bldg: Nedderman Hall, 416 Yates St, Arlingotn, Texas, United States, 76010
IEEE SSCS/CAS Webinar: New Directions in Power Management – consolidation and computation by Prof. Visvesh Sathe, Georgia Tech
IEEE SSCS/CAS Webinar: New Directions in Power Management – consolidation and computation by Prof. Visvesh Sathe, Georgia Tech
Speaker(s): Vish, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/467521
SW MO IEEE Speaker Meeting – Principles of Quantum Computing & State of Art
SW MO IEEE Speaker Meeting – Principles of Quantum Computing & State of Art
Mark Hagood, Texas Instruments Semiconductor and Executive Management at several companies (Retired), will present his latest findings on the principles of quantum computing and its state-of-the-art. The presentation will be from the layman's perspective, starting with the particle and wave properties of an electron, progressing through the existence of qubits and quantum entanglement, to the function of the oracle in quantum computing. Mark hopes to pique interest in quantum computing, raising more questions than answers. The meeting will be held in person at the Missouri State University Engineering Center and College of the Ozarks Engineering Building and Virtually. The meeting is on Thursday February 27th from noon until 1:00p. Details are provided in Location below. Snack will be provided at physical locations. Co-sponsored by: Theresa Odun-Ayo Speaker(s): Mark Hagood, Agenda: Introduction Section Business Speaker Closing Remarks Room: PCTR 2010, Bldg: Robert Plaster Free Enterprise Bldg, 405 Jefferson Ave, Springfield, Missouri, United States, 65806, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/470249
Sanderson Introduces Standards, Son!
Sanderson Introduces Standards, Son!
The IEEE UNT Student Branch is excited to welcome Christopher Sanderson, Director-Elect of Region 5, for an engaging and insightful talk where "Sanderson Introduces Standards, Son!" This is a must-attend event where you'll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of standards in the engineering world and learn their role in shaping the future of technology and innovation. Seminar Highlights: - The Importance of Standards - The backbones of modern industry - Navigating the Standardization Process - Discussion, development, and large-scale implementation - Impact on Innovation - Enabling technology and interoperability with consistency - Career Growth Through Standards - A competitive edge in your professional path - Future Trends in Standardization - Upcoming invention and effecting the next generation Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn from a seasoned leader in the field, expand your knowledge, and network with fellow students and IEEE leadership! Co-sponsored by: Christopher Sanderson, SMIEEE Speaker(s): Christopher Sanderson Room: A Wing Corridor (Deans Office), Bldg: Discovery Park, 3940 N Elm Street, Denton, Texas, United States, 76207, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469594
11451-5 Annex G Close Loop Leveling with Power Control Process and Results
11451-5 Annex G Close Loop Leveling with Power Control Process and Results
Synopsis: ETS-Lindgren Team’s efforts in preparing a systems solution and understanding the practical application of ISO 11451-5, Annex G Reverberation Method with Closed-Loop Power Control. The presentation describes the system, process and recorded test results. There will be a live Reverberation System demonstration. Annex G uses a volumetric measured field to determine Emax. The Annex G’s volumetric includes the eight field probes with their orthogonal axis (X, Y and Z). Emax is the mean of all 24 maximum field components. The Target Power (PTarget) is scaled to the desired field (Edesired) using the formula shown previously. Further, the four standard deviations (X, Y, Z and Vector Composite) are calculated and recorded. If the standard deviation results are not compliant to the standard then the standard deviation non-compliance must be stated within the report. Co-sponsored by: Meal Sponsor: ETS-Lindgren Speaker(s): Mr. Jack McFadden, Agenda: Meal – Jason’s Deli Jason’s Deli sandwiches, Cookies,Sweet/Un-Sweet Tea, and Water Huntsville Chapter IEEE EMC Society Meeting Thursday, February 27, 2025 5:30 PM | (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) | 3 hrs (https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m79b5f73a0e2c0606ea951f2bcea52423) https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m79b5f73a0e2c0606ea951f2bcea52423 Meeting number: 2538 410 8105 Meeting password: cuGXiBJj273 Join from a video system or application Dial [email protected] You can also dial and enter your meeting number. To dial from an IEEE Video Conference System: *1 2538 410 8105 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-415-655-0002,,25384108105## United States Toll 1-855-282-6330,,25384108105## United States Toll Free Bldg: East Tower, 965 Explorer Blvd NW, Huntsville, Alabama, United States, 35806, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469915
ENO – Engineers' Night Out – Feb, 27, 2025
ENO – Engineers' Night Out – Feb, 27, 2025
Join us for Tulsa Engineering Foundation Engineers’ Night Out Attention Northeastern Oklahoma engineers! You're invited to an informal networking event at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers & Brews in Broken Arrow. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow engineers in the region, share insights on current projects, discuss career paths, and explore potential opportunities. Whether you're seeking to expand your team or considering a new role, this gathering provides a relaxed environment to engage with the local engineering community. We look forward to seeing you there! This month’s sponsors: [] Mike Soler, AEC [] Keith McNinch, Pipeline Consultants [] Sudhakar Chidurala, IIBC Co-sponsored by: Tulsa Engineering Foundation -> (sub) IEEE 4801 W Kenosha St, Broken Arrow, OK 74012, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, United States, 74012
UTSA RAS Chapter Make 'N Take Event
UTSA RAS Chapter Make 'N Take Event
The UTSA Robotics and Automation Student Chapter will host a make-and-take event where attendees will get hands-on experience assembling a THT (through hole) circuit board and programming a microcontroller to act as a human interface device with a computer. Participants are encouraged to bring their own computer but there will be a few on hand if people cannot bring their own. In addition to building and taking home your own functional project, participants will also gain insight into how UTSA RAS organizes and runs our "Make-and-Take" events —perfect for those interested in learning event planning and technical workshops. Park in the lot between Ximenes Ave. and Ransom Rd. and walk around to the AET Building entrance. Download a map using the MEDIA button below. This will be an evening meeting and there will be plenty of parking spaces. Pizza will be provided by the LSS RAS Chapter. Everyone is encouraged to come and tour the labs and see the projects in progress. Agenda: 6:00 pm - The labs are open, brief business meetings for the LSS and UTSA RAS Chapters 6:15 pm - Pizza arrives 6:30 pm - Board assembly and microcontroller programming 8:00 pm - Adjournment Room: AET 1.202, Bldg: Applied Engineering and Technology Building, UTSA, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78215
Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Sarah Anderson – Legal perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
Cyber law specialist, Sarah Anderson, speaks on the legal actions developing around Artificial Intelligence. Speaker(s): Sarah, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/462497
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
IEEE Denver PES/IAS Chapter February 2025 Meeting
Join the IEEE PES/IAS Denver Chapter during our February technical meeting. Our guest speaker this month is Daniel Khoroshansky, President and Founder of Windward Coaching Services, LLC. Schedule 6:00 – Check-in, Chapter Business and Networking 6:30 – Dinner Served 7:00 – Presentation 8:00 – Adjourn Summary: Title: Influence for Engineers — What is influence, and why mastering it can drive success at any level Description: Engineers hate corporate politics--I know I did. Naturally, we're inclined to spend most of our time solving cool problems for interesting customers, and prefer not to dabble in what we perceive as "games" that are played at senior levels in the workplace. What if there was another way of looking at this? What if small changes could drastically improve your ability to communicate with senior management, build coalitions, secure resources for your team & projects, push for raises and promotions, and overall lead to a more useful dialogue in the workplace? Engineers and engineering leaders that master this skill can elevate their careers and their team's successes to a whole new level. We'll explore tactics to identify areas in which influence plays a vital role in positive outcomes—even in a technical environment—and strategies to increase your sphere of influence in your professional/personal life. Speaker(s): Dan Bldg: Denver Chophouse, 1735 19th St Ste 100, Denver, Colorado, United States, 80202, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/469452
Interview Workshop
Interview Workshop
This interview workshop will have professionals come down to talk to our participants how to succeed in the upcoming career fair. After they will dive into one on one resume reviews. Agenda: 12:00 - Intro 12:05 - Small Bio from each participant 12:15 - Q & A from panel 12:45 one on one resume reviews Room: 601, Bldg: Nedderman Hall, 916 UTA Blvd, arlington, Texas, United States, 76013
Resonator-Like Antenna for Parametric Excitation of Ultra-Short Spin Waves
Resonator-Like Antenna for Parametric Excitation of Ultra-Short Spin Waves
In novel, beyond Von Neumann, computational approaches the use of magnons (or quanta of spin waves) is particularly promising due to the small intrinsic energies of individual magnons (μeV), the possibility of using phase, in addition to magnitude, as a state variable, and the possibility to control the magnon dispersion properties in a magnetic sample by varying the direction and magnitude of the bias magnetic field . However, the use of magnons in advanced and neuromorphic computing is severely limited by the existing linear methods of magnon excitation, which are based on current-driven inductive transducers which have poor energy efficiency due to Ohmic losses, and are unable to effectively excite ultra-short exchange-dominated magnons. Here we propose to use a resonator-like energy-efficient gate, based on the effect of voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA) , as a new type of antenna for parametric excitation and reception of exchange-dominated magnons of a submicron wavelength, having a well-defined phase. When a pumping voltage V of a microwave frequency is applied to a resonator-like VCMA gate, the parametric excitation of two short-wavelength counter-propagating half-pumping-frequency magnons and will occur The magnetic anisotropy under the gate will be changed, causing partial reflections of the excited magnons at the both gate boundaries. The excited magnons, then, will have a well-defined phase, that is determined by the phase of the pumping voltage and by the reflection properties of the VCMA resonator. The wavenumber of the excited magnons could be large, and unrelated to the gate size, as it is determined only by the pumping frequency, and the magnon dispersion law . The same resonator-like VCMA gate can also act as a receiver of propagating short-wavelength magnons that will create a standing wave under the gate with double the magnon frequency. This standing wave of the frequency will be detected using a parametric confluence process opposite to the parametric splitting process (1) used for the excitation of magnons at the input VCMA gate. Our calculations show that the reflection of the excited magnons at the gate boundaries reduces the excitation threshold up to two times (in the case of full reflection ). The calculated excitation threshold for the VCMA gate is presented in Fig. 1. In our calculations we used geometric parameters that are typical for VCMA experiment made on Fe/MgO heterostructures (see e.g. : thickness of the Fe waveguide , thickness of dielectric layer , waveguide width , and the length of the pumping gate . Our preliminary numerical calculation performed for the simplified model of a voltage-biased VCMA gate (see Fig. 1) have demonstrated that the proposed method of parametric excitation and reception of ultra-short-wavelength magnons is realistic, and can be implemented in experiment to generate phase-modulated magnon signals of sub-micron wavelength with high energy efficiency in the GHz and sub-THz frequency ranges. A. Mahmoud, F. Ciubotaru, F. Vanderveken, A. V. Chumak, S. Hamdioui, C. Adelmann, and S. Cotofana, "Introduction to spin wave computing," Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 128, no. 16, p. 161101, 2020. P. Khalili Amiri and K. L. Wang, "Voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy in spintronic devices," SPIN, vol. 02, no. 03, p. 1240002, 2012. R. Tomasello, R. Verba, V. Lopez-Dominguez, F. Garesci, M. Carpentieri, M. Di Ventra, P. Khalili Amiri, and G. Finocchio, "Antiferromagnetic Parametric Resonance Driven by Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy," Physical Review Applied, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 034004, 2022. Co-sponsored by: UCCS Speaker(s): Andrei Slavin Room: A204, Bldg: Osborne Center for Science and Engineering, 1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, 80918, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/461172
Tour of Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory
Tour of Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory
Monthly meeting of EMB Chapter, jointly with LMAG, with a tour. Meal will be box lunch. Please note when you register if you prefer vegetarian box lunch. There is a $15.00 charge for each registrant. Guests and non-members charge is $20.00 and Students are $5.00. Remainder of the tab will be picked up by the EMB. Speaker(s): Paul Morton, Agenda: 12:30pm: Welcome 12:45pm: Lunch 1:15pm: Tour 2::00pm: adjourn Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory, 1077 Central Pkwy S #200, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78232
Soldering Workshop
Soldering Workshop
Date: Friday, February 28th Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM Venue: Wallace Hall 323 (Circuits Lab) Resource Person: Harold Hostetter What to Expect: Students will gain hands-on experience in soldering circuits and can take their soldered circuit boards with them. Registration: Space is limited to 20 students. Please register using the QR code provided in the flyer to confirm your participation. Entry Fee: There is no entry fee. However, since this is a fundraiser event for the IEEE Student Branch, students are welcome to make a voluntary donation if they wish. This is just one of the many opportunities the WSU IEEE Student Branch provides to help you gain hands-on experience with circuits. I encourage you to make the most of these opportunities while also enjoying some fun beyond the classroom. Room: 323, Bldg: Wallace Hall, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, United States
RAS De-stress Social
RAS De-stress Social
Hang out with us in the AET 1.202 lab and enjoy food and fun to relax from the stress of exams and class Room: 1.202, Bldg: Applied Engineering Technology, 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249
IEEE Tour: University of Arkansas Physical Plant (And Tunnels)
IEEE Tour: University of Arkansas Physical Plant (And Tunnels)
We are planning to tour the UA Physical Plant including the cooling towers, power distribution, and tunnels all located around the Harmon Parking Garage. I've included a group photo from one of our previous tours of these facilities. We will meet in the parking lot directly across from the Harmon Garage near the large cooling towers. Parking is metered at the Harmon Garage until 8pm unless you have an active UA Parking Pass. [] Bldg: CCHP, 870 W. William St., Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States, 72701
IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting
IEEE Central Texas Consultants Network and Life Member Affinity Group joint ChapCom (Officers) meeting
The CTCN and Life Member officers will discuss speakers and topics for presentations at upcoming regular meetings and any other necessary business. Agenda: Review of speakers for upcoming meetings. Discussion of logistics pertaining to in-person meetings. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/471376
IEEE Fort Worth Section Meet & Greet
IEEE Fort Worth Section Meet & Greet
The IEEE Fort Worth Section invites you to join us for a Meet and Greet on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at J. Gilligan's Bar & Grill in Arlington, TX. Join us for this exciting opportunity to connect with other IEEE members, leaders, and professionals from around the section. This event provides a casual and welcoming environment to network, share ideas, discover volunteer opportunities, and build relationships within the IEEE Fort Worth community. Whether you're looking to expand your professional circle, discuss section activities, or meet new friends, this gathering is the perfect place to start. - Connect with fellow engineers, students, and professionals in a relaxed setting - Learn about the recently reformed IEEE Fort Worth Young Professionals (YP) affinity group. - Meet local IEEE Senior Members and discover upcoming Senior Member Upgrade events. - Light hors d'oeuvres will be provided. Attendees can purchase additional food and drinks from the J. Gilligan's menu. Don't miss this chance to engage with your peers, celebrate the vibrant spirit of the IEEE Fort Worth community, and enjoy the famous Irish Nachos at J. Gilligan's. We look forward to seeing you there! J. Gilligan's Bar & Grill 400 E. Abram St., Arlington, TX 76010 Ample parking is available in the lot adjacent to the venue and across the street. Please RSVP for food planning February 22, 2025 if possible. Speaker(s): Mike Bishop Bldg: J. Gilligan's Bar & Grill, 400 E. Abram St., ARLINGTON, Texas, United States, 76010